Shadow of Lordship

Kered looked out across the gathered rabble with impatience, his hand resting on the leather arm of his father’s seat. His sister Alice, mirrored his stance behind their mother looking bored and occasionally rolling her eyes as a potential pawn flashed a daring smile her way. The siblings occasionally glanced at each other out of boredom as one groveling miscreant after another brought their tedious problems to the Duke of the Wildlands.

“Enough,” Duke Eschen rumbled out, “I know there are still many more who wish to speak with me, but we will start again tomorrow morning. Please, Chamberlain Cim, see to those who have been unable to speak today and prepare them for tomorrow. My family and I will retire for the day.”

Eschen stood, followed by the men of the congregation. As was custom in the wild tundra, the men turned and offered their hand to their ladies who took the offered hand and stood gracefully. Kered remembered offering his hand to Alice when they were both younger, an action no longer required since she became a Priestess of the Qin.

The hall cleared as the family made their way deeper into the castle to the dining hall. Kered and Eschen drew out the chairs for the women then took their own seats, Kered to his father’s left hand and Lady Elaine at his right. Another boring day in the Wildlands of the Northern Tundra. ---- “I don’t understand why we are required to be there is all.”

Kered walked alongside Alice toward their family chapel, escorting the Priestess in an official capacity while still spending time with his sister, complaining every step of the way.

“Kered, you know perfectly well while we have to be anywhere with the Duke. You are the mind behind our schools, our understanding of alchemy…you even designed the defenses riddling our great walls. I am required to be there in my position as Priestess of the Duchy, by command of the High Priestess of the Qin.” Alice intoned the holy phrase every cleric was required to say upon mention of the Gods and continued, “I’m sorry you aren’t happy Kered. I wish there was something I could do to help. Luna knows the darkness in your heart and you know I don’t begrudge you any of the things you have done; however, the matter of your place in this family has never been one of scandal.”

“Alice, you know as well as I that I was part of the dowry Lady Elaine entered this duchy with. I am thankful that you and Eschen treat me as your own blood, and I am thankful that the realm does not know the truth of it…” The siblings turned into the chapel and moved over to the alcove containing the Altar of Luna, Kered pushed the hollow statue and plinth aside gesturing Alice to take the lead down the hidden staircase before sealing it behind them. “…however, my skills are not being employed to their full use. My connections among the Sporic Clan span every landmass and dwell in every major settlement of Mann-Kind, I could help Eschen gain respect if not political power. How many times have we missed out on prime treaties because he had no public knowledge of them?”

“A fair point my cunning brother,” Alice continued, moving toward the dim light at the end of the staircase, “As an aside, have you considered that this haven of yours may get you killed one day? Do you have any idea how difficult it is walk in pitch darkness, in heeled boots, and not twist an ankle? For that matter, isn’t it a bit cliché to hide your den of secrets behind the statue of the Qin of the Darkness? Just seems a tad...tedious…to use your favorite word.”

Kered chuckled as they entered the atrium to his study. He turned the crystalline dais just so, the refractions of landing on numerous mirrors. Each mirror sent the light flying through the hidden suites, the need for candles long forgotten in this dark place.

“ accurate word for this Duchy. Be that as it may…have a seat dear sister while I see to these letters…Be that as it may, the fact remains that while the Duke may wish to keep this Duchy small, the King is allowing more of the gentry to settle these new ‘counties’ as he is calling them. The Queen herself has travelled to the outer areas to oversee the settling of these areas. Already there have been five new duchy’s founded and at least a dozen new counties just this month.”

Kered pulled the updated map and held it out to his sister, who examined it in the bright light. The former cavern dweller noted that Alice’s porcelain skin would have been considered exquisitely beautiful among his kind, thankfully Kered viewed Alice as his sister rather than a tool.

“There are this many new areas? This new duchy here straddles the Kondi River…why would the King allow two Duchy’s to be founded so closely together?”

“The most likely answer would be to determine who the stronger power is. In the South, the royalty pits one Duchy against another to continuously maintain the strongest powers in the Kingdom. You’ll notice the South hasn’t had to deal with outside invaders in quite some time.”

5/27/2017 5:10:19 AM #1

((Pardon the bad formatting, not sure what's up with that but I will try to figure it out. This will be a multi-part storyline. We will see how it goes.))

5/27/2017 5:10:58 AM #2

“Yes but the constant infighting limits their usefulness to the continent as a whole. Have you seen the hideous quality of dresses that come out of the southlands? No one lives long enough to create anything of quality.” Alice noted pointedly.

Kered chuckled again, browsing through the missives from across the continent, “Oh well, are you in need of another dress Alice? Perhaps one of the dozens of your inane suitors might take a greater interest.”

“Tsst. Those cretins have no chance with me. Luna would not allow me to live long if I married into some hovel and my gifts were wasted. As different as they are, the two Celestial Ladies are alike in that their belief that souls should not be wasted.” Alice stood and moved over into the next room, the aromatic smells wafting from Kered’s stores tempting her hunger. Within minutes, the priestess had gotten a cauldron of stew over a freshly made fire and gracefully stood, dusting the bark from her hands. “You know brother, you never have taken me into the depths of your little hideout here. What is it you are hiding down here? Bodies, perhaps?”

“Why yes…yes that’s exactly what I’m hiding down here Alice. Bodies. Bodies upon bodies. So many bodies I could have my own life sized marionette show. It’s quite entertaining, you should see what I can do with the Miller’s corpse once I get his joints loosened up…bum knee that one.”

Alice scoffed and shook her head, returning to her seat and settling down while Kered continued his work. The chapel was closed today and she rarely spent her free time elsewhere.


Weeks later found Alice waiting just inside the massive battlements for her brother, apparently Kered had been ordered by the Duke to review the vassal counties and ensure their wellbeing. She chuckled as she recalled his recently acquired nickname, she intended to ridicule him mercilessly when he returned.

No sooner had she thought it, then the horn above her signaled the opening of the gates and the entrance of her brother, clad in his traveling cloaks and laden with supplies across two horses trailing behind him.

“Welcome home, brother! Or should I say Nimble Knight?” Alice simpered as well as one of the insipid ladies in the capital, drawing a sardonic look from Kered who removed his mask and dismounted.

“Thank you Priestess, it is good to be home. Luna has been good to you these-“ Kered was cut off by the rumbling of the great mammoth-tusk horn atop the citadel’s pinnacle. Both Alice and Kered jerked their heads up toward the horn as more alerts blasted out from every side of the castle.

“Gatemen! Get them closed NOW!” Kered grabbed a guard rushing past him and turned him toward the citadel, “Go to my father, inform him of the attack and let him know that I will be along presently. Inform him that I have ordered you to personal see to the safety of Lady Elaine. Do not leave her side until this is all over. Now!”

Alice instantly returned to the wild huntress this Duchy was known for and began looking around, preparing to fight. Kered reached for a laden pack from one of the horses before turning Alice around and gently pushing her off the main road.

‘Kered what’s going on?”

“I don’t know, but I didn’t see any threats that warrant the Great Horn. Let’s get up on the walls and find out. I’m telling you now, whatever the threat, my objective is to get you to safe…ty…” Kered trailed off as they hurried onto the walls and looked out over a host spread from tree line to tree line.

“Kered…you didn’t see that?” Alice stood rooted in place, stunned by the sheer size of the army. War horns sounded throughout the host, thrumming a challenge to the town. This was not a friendly force but one intent on invasion.

5/28/2017 1:13:07 AM #3

Please, do keep this up! I like the style, and i thoroughly enjoy the wide range of vocabulary (which i sadly lack myself, english not being my first language). You have a knack for writing. And i think most elyrians enjoy the good RP spirit!