Share your fond PvP stories.

This isn't about sneaking up on some AFK character and crushing them with a blow to the head. That's got no substance. I'm interested in sharing a few of my favorite PvP stories and I'd like to read yours as well.

Shadowbane: Starting old-school. I was one of the leaders of a mercenary guild and we specialized in siege combat. Sieges in the first year of the game were thrilling experiences involving multiple forces with allies rushing in to reinforce, and ranged attacks volleyed back and forth from atop settlement walls and the siege weapons on the ground.

Three moments from a particular siege (we were joining the offense) still stand out.

-The first was our decision to take a long route around to the far side of the settlement and then rush in once the primary offensive force had established an assault for a short time. It's very basic but worked splendidly and the defending troops took a defining blow from it.

-The second was personal. I played an aracoix (bird person) warrior. I manage to make my way around to the base of a tower at the corner of the settlement and then flew directly upward. Suddenly cresting the top of the tower I surprised a defending wizard and made short work of him. I then continued along the top of the wall dispatching everyone I came across until I was finally taken down. I had managed to clear one entire side of the settlements wall defenses which allowed our ground troops to advance without threat of ranged attacks.

-The third actually had no fighting involved. It was an image I came upon walking up to the front of the settlement at the end of the siege. When you died in this game you left behind a grave marker that could then be looted and it would remain for some time. So the scene I saw after the fight was over and I will never forget, was the destroyed front gate, broken siege weapons, and so many gravestones littered across the ground it made it look like a pincushion. It was an amazing sight.

Age of Conan In AoC, the PvP was mostly limited to arena fights or instanced sieges. During a siege there was a window of time when both sides could gather their forces and it was common for scouts or people just looking to get a jump on some fighting to venture close to the other sides starting area.

For the siege in question I was on the defending side. I was very familiar with some of the attacking players and their desire to rack up kills so I knew they would be scouting the area outside of our walls for lone defenders to catch off-guard.

I set up one of my guild members, a devastatingly effective Conqueror, to act as bait and stand away from the wall in an open field of grass. Myself and a couple others then stealthily hid in the grass and waited. Sure enough someone took the bait and we made them suffer for their rash decision. Then we set up position and waited again. Again, someone took the bait and we killed them. This went on for a solid 20 minutes! The apparent lack of communication on the enemy side was staggering. We killed about half as many people before that siege started as during the siege itself.

Pathfinder Online I had ventured into the south to do some resource harvesting but I knew it could be dangerous, there was a constant threat of getting ganked in the area. Sure enough, I was above a cliff when someone came into view. I dropped into stealth quickly, hoping they hadn't noticed but it was one of the roving gank squads and they rushed around, up the road, and toward me. Stealth works a little differently in this game. The farther away from a target, the better if functions, so trying to stealth right next to someone doesn't work. It also works on NPC mobs to a certain degree. As I was being chased I ran up to a group of Ogres and then dropped back into stealth and tried to get close enough that the Ogres wouldn't see me and would agro my assaulters instead. Sadly, I misjudged by a hair and death was rained upon me by the gank squad, my loot dropping to the ground.

I respawned and found one of them waiting for me. To his credit he was just there to taunt me into fighting him, he didn't take the rep loss to grief the hell out of me like he could of. I did try to fight a few times but my speed was no match for his crowd control. So I ran away for a bit, then dropped into stealth and snuck back to the site of my original demise to see if anything remained.

To my surprise I found the gank squad still engaged in a heated battle with the powerful Ogres and my bag of loot remained on the ground. I crept closer and waited for just the right moment then I grabbed my stash and ran like hell. Of course some of them ran after me when they saw me suddenly appear but not all of them could or the remaining Ogres would have killed them for turning their backs on them.

After a good deal of running across really horrible rocky terrain it was eventually just one of them chasing me but it was inevitable that he would catch me with his use of charge attacks and speed buffs. I saw another group of Ogres and decided to try my failed plan one last time. I ran up to the Ogres, hit stealth and took a few more cautious steps toward them. My attacker ran in to get within range but it was too close! The Ogres came alive and rushed him. The predator become the prey and I ran after to throw in a few attacks of my own, I wanted to be sure that the Ogres would be able to finish him off. Then I ran off a bit and hid to make sure he died. When he did I snuck my way across the craggy terrain, past some of the still searching gank squad, off the mountain side and after a time, into a settlement where I deposited my resources to be moved at a later date when I wasn't being hunted.

6/8/2017 4:18:44 PM #1

Ultima on line-

A bunch of us were in a village hanging around talking not long after launch. This annoying beggar came up and was harassing everyone he came across. A bunch of bold, fully armored dudes came over and decided to rid us of this pest. They chased him out of town and under a bridge. Only the brave knights(brave as in there was 5 of them against one unarmed beggar) never emerged from the other side of the bridge. We followed and there was like 10 of the beggars buddies also in full Armour standing over and looting the now dead brave knights. They let us newbies pick over the remains. About an hour later the beggar was back annoying people again.

The first EQ.

Just a general thing. Whenever you went into a new zone how you had to look over your shoulder at all times to see who might be sneaking up on you.

6/8/2017 6:15:58 PM #2
6/8/2017 6:25:40 PM #3

My only notable PVP story I had was from SWTOR.

Now, if anyone has played SWTOR on a PVP server, they'll know that Tatooine is the seal-clubbing capital of the game. It's not uncommon to see a group of level 50 douchebags rolling across the planet slaughtering level 20(?)s trying to quest.

One of my alts was one of said level 20(?)s that ran into an unusually large group of seal-clubbers, so I jumped on my main (a level 50 operative, which is a stealth class), informed my guild what was going on, and let people at the fleet know that there's a big fight starting up on Tatooine.

At that point there were probably as many max levels running around the planet fighting each other than the questers that were actually supposed to be there.

We started getting tactical and coordinating with it- only grouping in pairs so that everyone had their followers available to add to the firepower, and we were focusing on outmaneuvering and containing the seal-clubbers. Splitting up to box them into one of their quest hubs and make sure none crept around. I myself stealthed up and flanked around the map in order to stop them from escaping the long way. What started as fighting all across the planet became contained to a canyon.

Eventually they just gave up and everyone went back to what they were doing before.

And that is the story about how the benevolent Sith Empire stopped the evil Republic douchebags from killing low-level questers.

6/8/2017 6:27:26 PM #4

DAoC We were defending the first keep closest to the mile wall and were heavily out numbered (3x or 4x.) Before the attackers broke the wall we all gathered on the back wall and jumped off the back of the keep. We waited for the attackers to breach the second wall and engage the keep lord before running around and re-entering the keep from the destroyed gates. We we were able to kill all of the attackers from behind while they were engaged in combat with the NPC keep lord.

Friend code: 172B2A

6/8/2017 6:53:25 PM #5

Mario Kart 64 battles.

Nothing more satisfying than the map with the four colored blocks with bridges between them, and a swarm of green shells bouncing everywhere below. Actually, there is : A well-placed banana-throw to make a friend fall into that pit of doom, to their untimely demise...

I assume this wasn't the kind of PvP story you were expecting, but this is the best kind of PvP story. :P

Norhurst, County of Opportunity

6/8/2017 6:58:13 PM #6

I ran with a rag tag group of Vanu in planetside 2. Our favorite tactic was to get 3-8 of us on cloaking flashes equipped with grenade launchers and use hit and run tactics to take out enemy vehicles. There is something intensely satisfying about popping up with your buddies behind a tank and moving them down((20-30) shots a piece) down the line.

Aspisis - - - - MaYor oF WinderBerg - - Capitalizer of LEtters

6/9/2017 6:08:25 AM #7

Posted By Aspisis at 11:58 AM - Thu Jun 08 2017

I ran with a rag tag group of Vanu in planetside 2. Our favorite tactic was to get 3-8 of us on cloaking flashes equipped with grenade launchers and use hit and run tactics to take out enemy vehicles. There is something intensely satisfying about popping up with your buddies behind a tank and moving them down((20-30) shots a piece) down the line.

Yes! That reminds me of when I used to play Battlefield 2142 and I would cloak and slap a satchel charge on the leg of a mech without it noticing then run out and blow it sky high!

These stories are great! I'm enjoying reading them because they show players being clever and using tactics to overcome their foes (and friends), even in Mario Kart.

6/9/2017 10:11:27 AM #8

The first time my crew and I shot down an enemy ship in Guns of Icarus stands as one of my fondest PvP memories. We were literally jumping for joy and had to take a break and have a cup of tea. It was a very Irish day all around.

Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

6/9/2017 2:18:45 PM #9

Early days of World of Warcraft. LAN. 7 guys. 7 gnomes. Our mission; Murder orcs. Travelling from the starting zone while running to the Wetlands, racking up about 30 deaths each along the way. Roads are safer, sure, but not safe, which we were soon to realize. After spending about two hours as level 5 gnomes getting from one side of the zone to the other, we get on the boat and travel across the ocean to our destination. This part was far easier and while we ran to the Orc/Troll starting zone we come across an undead warlock with a skull for level (was probably level 30-40 looking at the gear) and we did what any respectable pack of squirrels would do; Commence the bashing. The warlock had resurrection sickness of course, and so did we, but after about an hour of battering we finally brought him down. It was glorious.

After our epic boss fight we went to murder low level orcs but alas, there was a miscalculation. Unless they attack us first, we can't kill them. Queue 30 minutes of taunting until they all gang up and the greatest, nonsense battle I've had starts. With our low levels we didn't have any skills and since this was early in the WoW history, you had to buy the skills from a vendor so we of course only had the first one. Ultimately it looked like children beating green bastards with sticks.

6/9/2017 2:40:25 PM #10

Not mmo but one of countless moments like this I actually recorded BF4 flank

6/9/2017 2:48:38 PM #11

DAoC - My troll warrior was running solo towards a keep when four puny stealthed Alb gankers tried to do me in. They didn't factor in that I was a Legendary Grandmaster Armorcrafter with a full set of perfect 100 armor enhanced to the gills. Squashed them like bugs. Me likey squishing gankers.

6/9/2017 2:54:28 PM #12

It's not a fantasy game unfortunately, but Eve Online holds one of my favourite PVP experiences.

September 2012. Myself and two friends had picked up the game after watching the 'Butterfly Effect' trailer for the game, and wanted to go be leet PVPers in space. So we entered the game, started flying around in our little Minmatar ships made of rust held together with gaffer tape, doing a few missions, generally wondering if this was all the game is and whether we'd regret our subscription.

We rocked up at one of the noob spawn systems to hand in some quests and saw this magnificent silver and black battleship just floating ominously in front of the space station. After oogling at it for a while we noticed the captain of this fine vessel was recruiting for his Corporation and paying out 5 million isk to each person who joined.

Well we thought Christmas, Easter and Birthday had all come at once.

We joined the corp, introduced ourselves and hung out for a while. The next day we logged in to see that we had an in-game mail stating the corporation we had joined was now in a live war.


But before we had a chance to do anything we got an urgent broadcast that our CEO, the man who'd recruited us the previous day, was now stuck in a wormhole, being camped by a gang of our wartargets, in his shiny black and silver battleship.

Well our little noob selves weren't going to let them destroy that!

We rallied up with the other corp members, darting among battleships of all make and manufacture, shape and size, beams and pulses of energy danced between the fleet as the logistics and electronic warfare cruisers powered up their systems, checking everything was working as it should.

We set off to our CEO's rescue, our ramshackle blob of veteran players and a bunch of us noobs (that we later found out had been recruited as cannon fodder) blazing a trail across Minmatar space.

Before we knew it our scouts in their cloaked covert ops ships reported that the besieging fleet had broken and was coming on an intercept course, their own scouts had seen our fleet and the fight was on!

We bounced around a few star systems trying to bait them into our close-ranged, brawling fit battleships, whilst they tried to bait us into engaging their agile, kiting ships. Eventually we caught them at a gate, locked down enough of them from running to force the rest to stay and fight.

And we ruined them! With not a single loss we took billions of isk in kills, the adrenaline at the risk of losing our little ships among the warring battlecruisers and battleships was crazy. Our little agile noob ships held down the wartargets with warp scramblers and stasis as the enemy fleet tried to disengage, and our prize kill that fight was a 1.3 billion isk Loki stategic cruiser kill commanded by their fleet captain.

That fight had us hooked for years! The war raged on, the 'noob wing' quickly devoured the infamous Eve Online learning curve due to the intense fighting, and we came out victorious, forcing the attacking corp to withdraw the war declaration. Our little gaming group now includes our old CEO (whose shiny battleship didn't survive the war) as well as our fleet captain who rallied us up to rescue him. We're all now IRL friends, and hopefully shall be for a long time!

6/11/2017 2:16:28 PM #13

i remember back when Firefall was amazing (when it was in closed beta) they introduced the first city siege it was glorious, you had this real feel of war. players dying beside a ton of guns shots and mortars. in the end, a lot of the players formed up in a team speak so you had these squads. it was so cool seeing these different squads work together

I am the reaper of roses, trimming all the untamed plants in my glorious Crimson garden

6/11/2017 2:33:22 PM #14

My fondest memory of PvP was way back in SWG circa 2005-6ish.

There was a giant IG event, revolving around the city of Restuss on the moon of Rori, which is a moon of Naboo. The Empire was invading, and the Rebels were trying to repel the attack! On my server, Starsider, it was chaos. There were hundreds of people running here and there! Stormtroopers and Rebel assault troopers were battling it out in all the streets and ally ways! It was complete madness. People were shouting commands at their guilds and taunting the enemy.

Meanwhile, the Devs had a plan. The tide of war was deadlocked, and neither the Empire nor the Rebels seemed to be winning. The AT-ATs were not breaking the rebel lines, and the Rebel Troops were trapped in the city. That's when the Empire's TIE Bombers came in, and directly in the middle of the giant PvP battle going on, dropped hundreds of bombs, destroying the entire city of Restuss. In real time. It was CRAZY! So many players were killed when the bombs fell. It was absolutely incredible.

After the bombs fell, and players respawned, the destruction to the city was immense. The skyscrapers were crumbling, and there were no intact buildings left. At which point, the battle continued! Restuss became one of the hottest PvP spots in the Galaxy for well into most of SWG's Post-NGE life!

6/11/2017 9:03:34 PM #15

Well, there was this (26:12 - 27:55) that happened about a year ago. I have clutched many times before in my time playing Mount & Blade, but that was one of the few times caught on video that I know of. The 6 people who I killed were ALL pretty good players too, so I don't know what happened to them (The guy I killed at the end was considered one of the top tier native players, goes by Zach/RitZ). They just derped I guess.

Also, back when I played SMITE, one of my most memorable moments was a time when I was doing a small tournament that was run sometimes by a website called Tiermonster, called a Code: Green. It was a tournament in which you signed up and were given randomized teams. My team was pretty good, and we were making it very far. However, unluckily for us, a pro player by the name of CycloneSpin was in the tournament. Basically, he was a GOD of a Solo-Laner at the time, basically carrying his team to World Championships. Now, I am also a Solo-Laner, so it was basically my job not to get crushed by him. I am a Diamond player, so i was not a pushover myself, yet I was so fucking scared because this guy was basically again, a god to us Solo-Laners. However, somehow, still not sure how I managed it, I first-blooded him in lane, and was actually winning lane for a while. Just that was enough to make me immensely happy. So while we did end up getting utterly destroyed later, I still remember that game fondly. Heck, it might even be on video somewhere (It was streamed), but I would have to do a LOT of digging.

So I have a thing now! 📣Also this is my signature until Sieraen gives me one. 🤷1 Like 👍 = 1 Prayer 🙏