SBS, consider Immigrants

I haven't watched this Q&A to hear all of the details, nor do I care to at this point because I am astonished at the decision. This has almost single handedly snuffed out the flame of my passion for CoE.

A passion that was born for a game based on realism, player choice, endless customisation and playing the way we WANT to play.

This decision destroys the very foundation of what I was led to believe this game was about.
By forcing a Kingdom to be made up entirely of one or two Tribes, you are forcing the player base to make a decision:

Retain their loyalties and potentially give up their dreams of playing as a certain Tribe, possibly altering over a years worth of planning for some;
Discard their loyalties, fracturing entire Kingdoms so that they can pursue the Tribe that they wish to play as.

Now you might think; "choosing a tribe isn't that big of a deal."
I am telling you, it is.
Not only does each tribe have different aesthetics but they also have different "skill ramps". Things that they are naturally better at, which, directly relate to the kinds of activities that we as players, wish to pursue.

If my King chooses the Janoa, when I have been planning to be a Smith and pursue metallurgy, then my plans pretty much fall to pieces.
I pledged to Weaponmaster specifically to benefit my Guild.
I was given my somewhat substantial amount of Guild Tokens from various members of my Kingdom and Guild based on what the vision for The Wyrmberg is.

If my Kingdom was chosen to be Janoa at this point, who do not naturally work with metals, at all... and by association of Tribes working with what is available, ores will either be non-existent or scarce at best within the Biome.
So I am given a further choice in this LOSE/LOSE situation. I either:

Change the plans for my Guild, making the money that essentially strangers spent on Guild Tokens for me, a complete waste;
OR Abandon my Kingdom, still making their spend, a complete waste.

I am forced to let others down, in both scenarios, or let myself down and change everything and just accept the wasted time and excitement that has been building for nothing.

And I don't believe that I am the only person who see's all of this as a MAJOR issue nor that I am the only one with some very tough choices to make.

Personally, aesthetically I wish to play as a taller character, not a Dwarf and as far as passives go, a tribe that has experience working with metals and smithing.
I accept that I can't have everything that I want. I am perfectly okay with that.
However, taking away ALL of our choice is NOT OKAY.
Biomes are set, but to take away our choice of Tribe on top of that is ridiculous. I could at least import the ores if Janoa were chosen, and continue with my plans if I retained some choice in the Tribe I played as.

Posted By Caspian at 4:59 PM - Tue Jun 20 2017

As for why not all 12, it's mostly a matter of logistics. Remember that our world has biomes based on weather patterns. To support all 12 would require we have all biomes, which would require a huge range of latitudes and would ultimately force all starting continents to be a tall, thin continent.

My solution for this issue of the starting continent only having 8 tribes is simple:

It has been stated that each Tribe has a passive bonus benefiting them within their home Biome.
It was also stated, that after a time, we could acclimatise to our new environment, altering that passive.

Immigration ticks all of the boxes while keeping players happy.
Realistic solution? Tick.
Retains player choice? Tick.
Allows for further customisation? Tick.
Allows players to play the way they want? Tick.
Doesn't detract from any other experience? Tick.
Opens the way for further story elements? Tick.

Immigration exists. Elyria is not just blinked into existence the moment Exposition starts.
NPCs are able to make choices and move freely to new locations, as per the Fame and Reputation systems and backed up by the description of the Village Tokens.
It is not a stretch, that SOME NPCs could have migrated throughout history before we start.

It allows us to choose characters, based on what we actually want to do, or for what we believe actually represents us.

It allows for further customisation and stops the world feeling bland with everybody looking the same short of gear. The thought of the resulting gene pool disgusts me.

It allows for players to actually pursue the activities that they want, in the way that they want.

It doesn't take away from any other experience. Immigration even bypasses Caspian's worry of "tall and thin continents".

It increases possible story elements, such as persecution against a player that may have chosen to be a particular Tribe, and settled within an "enemy tribes" territory. This could also result in further conflicts.

But for realism sake and adhering to current game mechanics.
I put forth that all 8 Tribes are available, all over the starting continent. With sea-travel not discovered, it makes no sense for the excluded 4, to suddenly have emigrated without the means.

However, Primary and Secondary Tribes are still prominent within their home Biomes. The remaining 6-7 Tribes that are not natural for the Kingdom, can be scattered throughout in a much smaller population. For example, 15% of the total Kingdom population being made up of those Tribes.

This affords players the CHANCE to play as a Tribe that they want, pursuing the activities that they want, how they want with the loss of a home biome passive and possibly even some detrimental side effects for being within a Biome that isn't natural for them.

I am all for having consequences for choosing a Tribe that doesn't belong but do not give us an ultimatum or take away our choice.

I sincerely hope you take this into consideration and give it some thought.

If anyone has thoughts on why this wouldn't work, please voice them and I will happily discuss and try to put concerns regarding it to rest.

-EDITED- "Brudvir" changed to "Janoa". I got my Tribes mixed up.

6/20/2017 1:47:18 PM #1

Not every Kingdom / tribe gets to be equally good at everything. The whole point of this game is that not everything is fair. People have to make real choices in this game unlike every other MMO ever.

If you want to be a Brudvir blacksmith you're just going to have to work harder then some other tribes.

Yippee ki-yay

6/20/2017 1:49:44 PM #2

Just as a heads up, you can immigrate yourself to your chosen Kingdom.

Just because there aren't any Neran in your King's chosen kingdom due to Biome/Land Selection. Does not mean you can't start as a Neran and then move wherever you want.

They even said this would be the case for some in the Tribes Q&A Part I.

You want to be a Hrothi but your allegiance is to a King who has a swamp/wetland Biome? - No Problem! Choose your Hrothi character, pack up your things in your wagon and start your own immigration.

You can even cross Kingdom lines. There is nothing stopping you from starting your character in a separate kingdom to get the tribal character you wish to play and then immigrate that character over to the Kingdom you want to live in.

  • "The only thing certain in Life is Death, do not fear that which is known." - Orashna, Master Warrior and Expert Herbalist
6/20/2017 1:51:56 PM #3

Posted By Orashna at 01:49 AM - Wed Jun 21 2017

You want to be a Hrothi but your allegiance is to a King who has a swamp/wetland Biome? - No Problem! Choose your Hrothi character, pack up your things in your wagon and start your own immigration.

My only question to this point is noting his rank he will be a count does he simply forfeit the title because the tribe he wishes to be is unavailable?

6/20/2017 1:53:26 PM #4

Does it matter if there are 8,12 or 1 tribe to chose from? If your "community" choses a place that doesnt fit you, you can always migrate to a place that satisfies your needs.

I kinda do not understand the complaints, maybe becouse I am 40 dollar pleb

6/20/2017 1:53:35 PM #5

It isn't about Kingdoms or Tribes being "equally good at everything".

It is about player choice, and being able to play the game we want to play. I believe you've missed the point of this post entirely.

I used my own situation, as an example of how one person's choice, can make or break everything we have worked towards thus far.

This issue extends far beyond my own personal situation.

6/20/2017 1:55:53 PM #6

Your concerns are understandable, but also have been addressed. A few very important points you seem to have missed out on -

1) Kingdoms will not be homogeneously made up of 1 tribe. Duchies are divided along biome lines for the most part, so each kingdom will contain a mixture of tribes. These tribes will be the ones which exist in biomes which naturally occur near to one another. If your king chooses Brudvir, it's extremely likely that their kingdom will include at least one Hrothi duchy, as their biomes are naturally contiguous.

2) Just because the Brudvir are traditionally not metalsmiths doesn't mean that a Brudvir can't be one whatsoever. The natural inclinations that tribes have are not so dramatic to preclude any tribe from following a particular skill tree. Every tribe will have smiths. A Hrothi might have an easier time starting off, but the idea that only a Hrothi could ever become a passable smith is, frankly, ridiculous.

3) Your solution already exists in-game. Once you start, literally nothing is stopping you from up and moving from where you joined - as the tribe of your choice - and moving to your pledged kingdom / guild. It will be difficult, yes, but possible, especially the support of a group of players. They've already invested real money in you - they'll help you travel the distance.

4) No, at launch, the world will not just be popping into existence, with each kingdom and biome being made up of unmixed tribes. They will mix - during exposition. That's our job, as pledged players - to make the kind of world we want to see people spawning into.

A few smaller points - it's 8 tribes to start, 4 undiscovered, not 6 or 7. They haven't emigrated, they developed there. You're absolutely right that over time, tribe members can acclimatise to new biomes - and, if you want to live within a kingdom or biome other than your starting one, that's what you'll have to do.

TL;DR: You're making a mountain out of a molehill, all of these points have already been addressed. And the fact that biomes would a) define what tribes will begin there and b) form duchy lines has been known for an extremely long time, since before anyone would have formed the kingdoms and guilds, so this isn't new information.

Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

6/20/2017 1:55:56 PM #7

Very true Orashna, however as Dream points out... am I supposed to forfeit my titles?

Mesis, I believe it does matter. I even stated the forced ultimatum of being forced to choose between loyalties and allegiances, and what a player actually wants.

6/20/2017 1:56:48 PM #8

Where are you getting 2 tribes in each kingdom?

Sounds like speculation as I haven't seen anywhere a solid number for how many tribes are within a kingdom, as it can vary.

Globalization doesn't exist at this time and immigration is rare. The cost to uproot a rooted individual is extreme and only occurs in drastic situations, such as with the Dras. These tibes have stayed in their biomes for SO long that they evolved to them, which means that NPC migration is almost nonexistent on a large scale.

The players can do as they wish as it is their own body. I like the idea of difficult decisions. I understand that those with Tier 3 and 4 pledges may have issues, but Caspian will probably address it.

PS - Caspian said that these communities that were being built were good and all, but he warned that not having all the information means individuals may have to rethink their decisions

Friend Code: 1BD8F6

6/20/2017 1:57:22 PM #9

I haven't watched this Q&A to hear all of the details, nor do I care to at this point because I am astonished at the decision. This has almost single handedly snuffed out the flame of my passion for CoE.

You don;t care about hearing the details directly from the person in charge, but you feel comfortable enough to make a snap rage opinion.... thats on you tbh. Personally i'd want to be informed fully before listening to others who potentially could be giving misinformtaion

This decision destroys the very foundation of what I was led to believe this game was about.
By forcing a Kingdom to be made up entirely of one or two Tribes, you are forcing the player base to make a decision:

sigh your already getting it wrong. It's not made up of ENTIRELY one or two kingdoms, the primary tribe within a kingdom is made up of that tribe.

It's like saying England is ONLY made up of English people.

No, the primary amount of people living in England are English nationals. There are other types of people that live in England besides the English.

Same goes for any kingdom. it's made up of that tribe, members of that tribe govern the area that they live in, but that doesn't mean someone from another tribe lives there also. You walk down a Neran street, your most likely going to see a Neran, but as soon as you turn a corner there might be a To-resk


It's always been this way since tribes were announced.... and if you thought otherwise you were listening to other people telling you incorrectly and not paying attention to the developers, as you have said here ;)

So gg, you got your wish without reading up on it, other tribes will be living in other biomes besides their natural biome,

Think of the tribe writes this way, they are to do with the tribes HISTORY, their past, not their present or future

6/20/2017 1:57:55 PM #10

I agree. Say I wanted to be a knight, 2 handing with a sword on a battlefield. Then my kingdom decides to be Kypiqs. How do you work around that? Leave your kingdom to play how you want? I appreciate the realism, but if the realism is going to seriously affect how I am able to play the game and follow my virtual dreams, then I'd prefer it to be less realistic. Especially if it means I have to leave the connections I have made. My community is set and I'll work around the limitations of my tribe if I have to, but the experience won't be nearly as enjoyable. Even just adding multiple races, 3-4 to a kingdom would be better than just 1 or 1-2. I would take the debuffs of picking a race not unaccustomed to my climate if it meant I could play how I wanted to.

6/20/2017 2:02:56 PM #11

its quite logical that nobility will be the tribe that exists in the biome. everyone lower than nobility has free mobility to move whereever he wants. maybe it might even be possible to migrate as a noble while KoE, who knows, no one tried yet, right? it just should be obvious, that kipiq wont accept janoa as leader etc. therefore, you cant just be where you want. Sometimes, a functional game is more important than idividual choice. And btw: the devellopers actually told us several times that its not intended to decide everything before server/domain selection.

Friend Code: 30EF47

6/20/2017 2:04:28 PM #12

As Caelestius and Nagash have pointed out, your issues have either been addressed or a based on misinformation. Maybe next time you decide to make a opinion upon information from a QnA you should actually watch the QnA so you get ALL of the information.

Brudvir can live in the Jungle, Hrothi can live in the wetlands and To'resk can live in the grasslands. And if they arent there already then the players will move them there themselves.

On top of that, having to deal with the tribes your kingdom got is NOT A NEW PROBLEM. you might have ended up in a kypiq kingdom, and now you might end up in a kypiq kingdom. The only difference is that now you have no chance of ending up in a Erishe, Yoru or Owem kingdom. This change hasnt made it less likely for guilds or nobles to get their favourite tribe unless they wanted any of those 3.

6/20/2017 2:08:03 PM #13

Caelestius, thank you for a good response.

1) It is my understanding that today it was stated that Kingdom's would only have one or two tribes at most.

2) Brudvir was incorrect on my part. Janoa is the Tribe I meant.
Your point still stands, but I believe mine does too.
Everyone has plans and a particular Tribe will make those plans easier to achieve. If anything, for my situation, if I was forced into being Janoa (unlikely) then I would certainly be at a disadvantage.

3) My pledge is literally stopping me, unless I can choose to have my Titles held in a separate Kingdom as I move.

4) And there is nothing regarding Lore, Game Mechanics or Realism stopping immigration having been a natural thing BEFORE the world is turned over to us. I am not suggesting equal parts all Tribes. I am suggesting a very small portion... 2% of the population set aside for each Tribe.

5) I said 8. Each Kingdom is limited to 1 or 2 Tribes, as stated today, to my knowledge. Hence me saying the 6 or 7 remaining tribes that aren't natural for that Biome.

6) I don't believe I am overreacting at all. Nowhere have any of my points been addressed that I can find. I wouldn't have spent the time typing this post if I felt it has been addressed and that this wasn't a valid solution.

6/20/2017 2:13:09 PM #14

Posted By Auxinthebox at 3:57 PM - Tue Jun 20 2017

I agree. Say I wanted to be a knight, 2 handing with a sword on a battlefield. Then my kingdom decides to be Kypiqs. How do you work around that? Leave your kingdom to play how you want? I appreciate the realism, but if the realism is going to seriously affect how I am able to play the game and follow my virtual dreams, then I'd prefer it to be less realistic. Especially if it means I have to leave the connections I have made. My community is set and I'll work around the limitations of my tribe if I have to, but the experience won't be nearly as enjoyable. Even just adding multiple races, 3-4 to a kingdom would be better than just 1 or 1-2. I would take the debuffs of picking a race no unaccustomed to my climate if it meant I could play how I wanted to.

Again, one possible option: start as lets say Neran and join Kypiq kingdom. Since there are people you know they should give you some pretection and status (bodyguard) that would be required. Also Kypiq to me seems like a rather peaceful tribe.

Instead blaming SBS, you should blame your kingdom. Would it be easier if there was only 1 tribe? It would. Would it be better? Definetly not in my opinion.

6/20/2017 2:13:27 PM #15

Very good answer ... nothing to say anymore... 😎😎😎😎
