is anyone else concerned by talents?

I've just joined today but it seems like everyone is excited by the idea of special talents like magic, shape shifting, and whatever else the devs come up with. But, it seems like a good chunk of people would like a talent, as opposed to the less than 5% percent of players that will receive one. I just wonder how many people will be disappointed by the fact they weren't the ones to gain a talent.


7/11/2017 6:15:22 AM #1

Would I like some talent? Sure. But I'm not going into thinking I would get one either. Anyone disappointed by not getting one, well they set themselves up for it. 5% is a dam low chance. Even if it was 25% I wouldn't be disappointed.

7/11/2017 11:07:17 AM #2

This game is aiming to be a low fantasy game. That means very little in the area of magic, be it spells, creatures, or magic items. Some of those will exist, but they will be extremely rare.

This doesn't bother me in the least. In fact, I'm looking forward to the day I'm going about my business and something magic happens nearby. It'll be unexpected and therefore interesting and story building.

7/11/2017 1:21:54 PM #3

I think most people are familiar with the statistical unlikelihood of them being granted a talent. Sure, people are excited about talents, but people are also excited about the monarchy and being a King / Queen, when statistically as few or fewer characters will be a monarch than Talented.

Don't be concerned about other people's desires, although it's very nice of you to be. Most people know they almost certainly will never have one. But if you see someone planning their playthrough based around a Talent - well, it might be nice of you to point out to them how unlikely it may be, to avoid disappointment.

Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

7/11/2017 1:29:56 PM #4

It's one of the things I'm most excited for. Not for me getting one personally, that's very unlikely - but simply being in a game where you could be walking past a player with abilities only a few score have in the game.

It gets so boring in games where everyone has magic and the like. After all, if everyone is special, no one is special. :)

7/11/2017 1:31:40 PM #5

Posted By Pigsy at

I've just joined today but it seems like everyone is excited by the idea of special talents like magic, shape shifting, and whatever else the devs come up with. But, it seems like a good chunk of people would like a talent, as opposed to the less than 5% percent of players that will receive one. I just wonder how many people will be disappointed by the fact they weren't the ones to gain a talent.

The best thing to do is to NOT plan on getting a talent. Honestly I forget they exist half the time, my play-style does not depend on any kind of talent. If I happen to get one, awesome, I get to try something new, if not, then no big deal.

For people that plan on being some immortal wizard who can throw fireballs and turn lead into gold, they're going to be facing disappointment.

Plus, I have a feeling that people with truly game changing talents are going to be prime targets for assassination by any type of opposing organization, or maybe just by some salty players who didn't get one heh.

7/11/2017 2:17:02 PM #6

Think talents are one of my least concerns at the moment.

Website update 3.0, Map, Merge accounts, Land and domain, selection, EP store, Koe and mud, Exposition, Combat/pvp (most excited about combat and pvp)

Things I am waiting for..... These are in no order.

7/11/2017 3:48:22 PM #7

Posted By Iccubus at 4:17 PM - Tue Jul 11 2017

Think talents are one of my least concerns at the moment.

Website update 3.0, Map, Merge accounts, Land and domain, selection, EP store, Koe and mud, Exposition, Combat/pvp (most excited about combat and pvp)

Things I am waiting for..... These are in no order.

I completely agree, also wild animals taming!! That's really getting me hyped up..! I wished there were more details on the mechanics of it.. I don't think anyone will be disappointed if they randomly discover they have talents, but it's foolish to count on it

7/11/2017 3:52:11 PM #8

To be honest, I never even think about them and could care less if I had one.

7/11/2017 4:02:49 PM #9

With around a 5% Talent Pool the odds will never be in my favor. And if I do get a talent it probably won't be one that I want but it could be fun. So am I looking forward to a talent, no, why set my self up for disappointment. Besides talents will not be in a lunch and they won't tell us when they are being added, so I find myself hyped about so much more than talents.

Also remember that there are negatives associated with talents as well, take the bad with the good. You could be labeled as 'dangerous' to the tribe and be banished because of a talent, or be hunted down because of one. Sure there will be plenty of positives but remember there is always a dark side to them as well.

"Count Eldric Blackmoore of The Haven, offering direct support for the Hunters, Explorers and Gathers of Elyria" the

7/11/2017 4:10:43 PM #10

A talent would be nice, but by knowing in advance that the odds are low, so should everyone's expectations. Also, as noted by the devs, talents will have to be unlocked. This means that even if someone has a talent, they may not know it and may never unlock it. Those that do hope to have a talent will be driven to live a diverse life to do as many different things as possible to unlock a talent they might have.

Overall, I see talent as added flavor. Not having one will not take away from someone's enjoyment.

7/11/2017 5:21:52 PM #11

You don't need talent if you want to be something with magical properties. Such as the legendary stories of the Liches and Vampires. I'm sure the myths of their feats trump all sorts of talents. And all you have to do is be the baddest of the bad.

(And probably a few sacrifices and rituals to go along with it.)

7/11/2017 6:06:27 PM #12

5% of people will be able to have a Talent bound to their body, which they might discover.

I think its safe to say one in five will discover their talent before they die and a good portion will already be old by that time.

Powergamers will figure out a broad system to test for talents I am sure that will carpet bomb the possibilities.

Talents are an exciting flavor, some will be good for support, some will be good for combat, some will just get you killed.

Some won't even be useful.

At the end of the day a crossbow bolt to the head is just as good as a fireball; don't expect a crazy exclusive wizard guild.

Friend Code: 92BF2D

7/11/2017 8:28:10 PM #13

If they get the story hooks right then the important number is that 100% of players might get a talent. You won't create a new character and curse your luck that you aren't one of the lucky 5%.

Instead you will play your character and follow up interesting storylines which might lead to discovering a hidden talent. Or they might lead to other interesting developments.

If they get the story hooks wrong then for me, fireballs wouldn't make up for it. There are plenty of boring games where I can fling those around already.

9/22/2017 2:31:25 AM #14

I thought I read somewhere that talents will be gained by doing specific tasks at some exact time.

Talents I believe, are also going to be used to push the story further, so if a town is overrun by canis rabbits, then someone who is trying to save said town may learn a talent that makes it more plausible and possible to save that said town.

When I am lost, I know I have traveled the farthest. Sayeth the guy jeff. 49F48A =FC

9/22/2017 3:01:59 AM #15

It's not really different than ladder rankings in PvP games or Legendary in CoE. A lot of people would like to be in the top % of players but then it wouldn't be the top %. In both systems you can use your own skill to leverage the odds of you being in the desired percentage.

I don't know anymore.