The game is ready?

if i buy the game i can play it?

'll be the greatest thief and bandit you will ever see.

7/23/2017 2:59:40 PM #1

It's still in pre-alpha so no, you can't play it if you buy any of the packages.

7/23/2017 3:26:36 PM #2

This isn't aimed at the op

This question comes up so very often. Should there be and is there a much better way to let people know this long before they end up registering on the forums and asking this question?

Maybe make it more obvious on the front page?

7/23/2017 3:37:05 PM #3

That Twiggy name seems VERY familiar. I obviously could be wrong and my apologies if I am but I suspect the OP has been here before. And not with the best of intentions.

7/23/2017 8:30:06 PM #4

My answer to this question in future will always be "try it and find out"

7/23/2017 8:57:56 PM #5

Question has been answered.