
... is the name of the religion for the Two-Fold Queen. That is now all 5...

  • Virtori
  • Qindred
  • Faedin
  • Al'tifali
  • Faithless

For those curious about the origin of Al'tifali, it comes from blending a couple different Arabic words together, most noticeably, "Celebration", and "Children". The very loose translation we apply to it is, the followers of the Two-Fold Queen are her "tifa" (not tifl), or Children.

Note: We know it's not true Arabic. Like all of our religion names, it's inspired by the language, not a literal translation.

11/6/2017 8:30:08 PM #1

all what?

11/6/2017 8:30:45 PM #2

be feel mislead

11/6/2017 8:31:24 PM #3

Is this the new name for the followers of the Two Fold Queen?

May Melon be with you.

11/6/2017 8:31:24 PM #4

This is what good Rum does to you..

Friend code: 172B2A

11/6/2017 8:31:49 PM #5

Caspian fall down and bump his head ...

11/6/2017 8:32:29 PM #6

Posted By Kab at 3:31 PM - Mon Nov 06 2017

This is what good Rum does to you..

that would make since why he hit his head then.

11/6/2017 8:32:44 PM #7

To'resk. That is all.

Author of the Elyria Echo the first, and least up-to-date, CoE fan site.

11/6/2017 8:33:15 PM #8

I got it.. Server name for Vox!

Friend code: 172B2A

11/6/2017 8:34:11 PM #9

One of the tribes that weren't in the Pax Aus event probably.

As a reminder, they were:

Aernvania - Kypiq

Sreasea (sray-uh-say-uh) - Janoa

Trellast - To`resk

Shuriyana - The Waerd

Cirelle - Neran

Phorezia - Dras

11/6/2017 8:35:23 PM #10

This is the official name for the religion of the "Two-Fold Queen"?

11/6/2017 8:36:34 PM #11

could be reverse tongue "All is that"

11/6/2017 8:38:17 PM #12

Why are people saying it's the followers of the Two-Fold Queen? Hints? Maybe it's just a word in a native tribes language,

11/6/2017 8:38:39 PM #13

thinking Caspian is playing mind games with us.

11/6/2017 8:38:56 PM #14

Al-tifal (اللتفال) is Arabic for "the celebration." Am I close?

11/6/2017 8:42:35 PM #15

@DocFaust, they are saying TFQ because it was known that they were having a chat about what to call them the other day.