Looking for Norse inspired community

I'm currently locked in under the bloodline bundle. I'm looking for a kingdom/barony/duchy that is focused on a Norse flavor. I will be a Brudvir crafter focused woodworking or blacksmithing. there will be times where I will want to PvP so a little combat training is also in my future. I'd prefer to roleplay but it is not a requirement for me. I'm also hoping to be apart of a tight knit community where everyone relies on one another. I feel it builds character and relationships which seems to be the core focus of this game. It is also notable that I'm a casual player...I get about 20-30 hours of game time in a week (5-15 of which is weekends)

4/27/2018 9:39:15 PM #1

Hi, Rossco. Come check out Atravia and speak with Jarl Kaleva Värracht. While we're not straight up Norse or viking focused, we do take a lot of inspiration from Norse culture and lore, among others, such as Germanic, Slavic, etc. (with our own lore building flavor). Many of us in Atravia are rather history nerds and can geek out over these periods and areas with you.

Edit to note that no one attached to a kingdom currently can promise a certain biome or tribe until after domain selection, but we can share individual preferences. Neran is my first, Brudvir would come second for me above all the others by a good measure.

Atravia Discord

5/1/2018 9:28:07 PM #2

Ooh history nerds, I should have checked out Atravia myself at that rate. Though I'm not as up to par on Norse and Germanic myth / history.

5/1/2018 10:37:24 PM #3

If you're set on Brudvir, it largely depends which server you plan to play on. If you're EU based, you should speak to the Demalion Empire as they are a double kingdom and plan to include the native Brudvir tribe during selection.

As far as I'm aware, as the only EU double kingdom, Demalion will get first selection for kingdoms.

5/2/2018 12:14:01 AM #4

I would love a Brudvir community based on vikings of the Fenrir cult. However i made so many friends in a Dras community that I have to decline. I wish you the best of luck though OP! While I'm sharing my culture with the Dras I hope you are being as true to your viking roots as possible!

Friend Code: 4B752A

5/2/2018 3:51:13 AM #5

This just opened my mind to how norse inspired the Brudvir really are. Not only do they look and dress like vikings... THEY ARE BORDERED WITH THE 'FROST GIANTS' TO THE NORTH! thats so cool! Imagine if a Brudvir king adopts a Yoru baby and names it Loki, maybe its a trigger for a story line.

So Brudvir = Vikings/Norse

Yoru = Frost Giants

what about the others? ?

Nerans = Romans/Centurians/England/Knights

Janoa,kypiq = Avatar the blue kind/wood elves

Hrothi = The typical fantasy dwarves

Dras = I dont kno why but I have a feeling that they represent Japanese culture, they just have a very calm collected demeanor in the art concepts, like the samurai... or idk maybe they just represent emo culture if there is such a thing but thats kinda lame.

Wa'erd = 'A girl is no one'

alt text

5/8/2018 2:09:47 AM #6

Thank you all for your posts I'm NA based so I'm not sure if EU is the best for me. Ill keep looking around. Again thank you guys for your comments.