Sins of the Flesh

The Plague ravages Elyria.

Neither the doctor nor the Undertaker can keep pace.

The Church will take you Brother. We will count your numbers and provide remedies for your soul. Your Fevered dreams may show you visions or they may end in truth. Whether you are worthy or not to see the King, you can serve a greater purpose.

Pages of Flesh

The leather parchment cut from the flesh of the forgotten. Their blood stains the memory and reminds us that not all are welcome though they may try.

Pages of Flesh

We will write in words of fire. As the ink dries they will find peace knowing that their plague has not been without purpose. The sins of the flesh burned from the pages.

Pages of Flesh

Pages of flesh.
Satisfy Our Hunger.
Let Your visions Enlighten us.
God of the Flesh.
Nourish Us with Your Perennial Wisdom.
May our blood Satisfy Your Hunger.
God of the Flesh.
From the Fevered Visions.
Retake Your kingdom.
God of the Flesh.
May the Blood of the Blessed Ones,
Satisfy Your Hunger.
