Every morning at 9 am PDT the plague tokens are consumed into the plague bar.

If you have any plague tokens AND purity tokens, it will automatically neutralize the plague tokens.


If you have 8 plagued and 10 purity --> You will automatically neutralize 8 plagued which takes 8 purity. You have 2 purity tokens after reset

If you have 8 plagued and 8 Purity --> You will automatically neutralize the 8 plague with your 8 purity and have no purity tokens after reset.

If you have 8 plagued and 3 purity --> You will automatically neutralize 3 plague with your 3 purity --> Get 0 purity and contribute 5 plague to the plague bar after reset

If you have 0 plague and 8 purity --> You'll just have 8 purity after reset

Note, this is at reset every morning at 9 am PDT