[EU] Settlement of Templemore

The Town of Templemore


Just where in Elyria is this place?
  • Server:            The EU Server

  • Kingdom:        The Demalion Empire

  • Duchy:            Anor

  • Tribe/Biome:   Neran/Grassland

  • Religion:         The Virtori Faith

  • Join Us:           Duchy Discord Channel

  • Website:         Official Anor Website

  • Templemore is governed by Mayor Benjamin O'Meagher.

  • Templemore is a Multi-Cultural Society & all people are welcome in Templemore and in the Grand County. Anorath is primarily a protected roleplay County but PvP is accepted in self defense, law enforcement or wartime periods.

Neran / Brudvir / Hrothi
Grasslands / Alpine Forest / Mountain Steppe

Anorath is one of the largest Counties in the Duchy of Anor and enjoys a mixture of biome types and a diverse population of different tribes as a result.

Grassland covers the bulk of the landscape with multiple alpine forests and several high mountain ranges running along it's border.

The vast size also provides access to some fairly large lakes and rivers which connects Anorath to the coast.


There is a saying that all roads lead to Anorath and this is as true a statement as they come. Trade flows directly into Anorath from surrounding regions before moving back out to distant lands beyond the Duchies borders. Templemore is home to every profession you can imagine but notably, alchemists, brewers, blacksmiths, farmers, physicians, nurses, professors, teachers and preachers but the list truly does go on.

Located in Templemore is the headquarters for the Council for Anorian Public Health (CAPH), with Mayor Benjamin O’Meagher leading the organisation. This provides mass amounts of opportunity for the citizens of Templemore by taking up a career in medicine, teaching or research.



The town of Templemore, located in the Grand Country of Anorath, is arguably one of the most symbolic towns throughout the Duchy of Anor. The land was first granted to House O’Meagher by one of the religious Kings of House Alduin. Templemore became the heart of worship for the Virtori faith but has since evolved to become a thriving town of multiple tribes united under the prosperous leadership of House O’Meagher.

Ruins of the great Virtori cathedral can still be visited at Templemore which peaks the interest of nations from all over Elyria, the people of Anor flourish through this sizeable tourist industry. Templemore is mostly populated by the Neran, Hrothi and Brudvir tribes, it’s not uncommon to hear them sharing tales with one another and gossiping about the latest Anor cultural events.


Grand County Anorath is an enormous trade hub, goods are often imported from the surrounding Counties to be checked and processed and then exported out to the other Duchies in the Empire and beyond. The bustling hub brings in many traders, shoppers and delivery companies aswell as caravan guards looking to ensure safe passage of peoples and goods in and out of the region.

Within the Counties own rural areas, Mining for ore and precious stones and metals is a large part of the economy and so too is the manufacturing of weapons and armours for the large number of Baronies protecting the region.

Woodcutting and woodworking is just as widespread and laws exist to protect this valuable resource ensuring when wood is used it is also re-planted for the future.


With the huge diversity of tribes and peoples in Anorath comes the blessing of different experiences. Living here gives Citizens access to a bounty of different clothing styles, architectural marvels plus a vast variety of foods, delicacies and fine wines. The imports that flood in truly gives an unrivaled standard of living for Anorians.

When one lives in Anorath no day need every be the same.


Duke Alduin and House O'Meagher both understand the importance of infrastructure to ensure that all settlements within the County are fully connected and that perfectly maintained trade routes exist into and out of the region. Exports of the Counties ore, metals and other manufactured goods are of utmost importance. Ours will be of public health and faith.


Connecting the Great Cities

Connecting the Duchies Capital City of Dawn's Reach and Templemore is the part of the extensive road network. The road was named in honour of the importance of the Virtori Cathedral that once stood in Templemore. The Cathedral remains an attraction as a holy site.

Today the road is used by many pilgrim's wishing to move between the places of worship.


Council for Anorian Public Health

The focus of the Council for Public Health is to provide outstanding care to the citizens and tourists of the Duchy of Anor which is done through the management of a network of medical research facilities, hospitals, clinics and infirmaries. The council works alongside the Virtori Church and the University of Anor for the research and study of medicine, along with passing down knowledge to the next generation of healers. The various divisions of healthcare ensure that every Anorian is cared for.


The Virtori Church

The official Religion of Anorath is the Virtori faith and Virtori religious iconography and buildings can be found throughout the Grand Counties Capital City, where the awe inspiring great Virtori Cathedral towers over all things below it. People come from miles around to visit the Cathedral and practice their faith. As Anorath and Dawn's Reach act as the Duchies Capital the High Priestess and other Virtori leader's often reside here within the largest Cathedral in the land.


The Anorian Guard

The protection of the Grand County falls under the umbrella of the Anorian Guard, All soldiers perform a number of different missions to ensure the protection of the Duchy.

To learn what Missions may be undertaken please click here to visit our 'Organisations of Anor Thread' for more detailed information.

The Anorian Guard is the absolute backbone of the Duchies Defensive and Offensive capabilities and is Commanded by the Duke. It is responsible for all military missions.

Aswell as the defense of the realm and going to war against would be aggressors the Anorian Guard deals with intelligence gathering and intelligence missions. With eyes and ears everywhere, Scouts ensure they know precisely what is going on and who is or is not a threat. Anybody willing and able can join the Anorian Guard. Benefits include access to the most advanced weapons, armour and training facilities available aswell as payment for completion of Missions.

As soldiers make their way up the ranks it is possible for Soldiers to be spotted and can become a Knight of the Sun taking a command position in the military. The Knights of the Sun are an elite chivalric Order within the Anorian Military and only the best of the best gain the right to join it. The Knights are usually handpicked from the Anorian Guard when a soldier has proven themselves capable and worthy of a Knighthood. So long as they prove their metal and their loyalty to the Duchy/Duke is steadfast, they will quickly join the orders ranks and take their rightful place.

Knights are responsible for some of the more important missions, aswell as personal protection for the Duke should it be required and training and handing out missions to those of lower rank. All Knights gain access to a specially designed set of armour, designed by the Duke himself for such a prestigious group of warriors. Other benefits include payment for services and access to excellent equipment.


If you wish to join Tempemore of the Duchy of Anor, to become one of it's Citizens then please feel free to join the Duchy of Anor Discord. Please click the Discord image above to gain entry. Thank you.