Rise, Duchess of Malevolence

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Hailing from a matriarchal line of ancestry, this particular young woman was raised in a very peculiar way. Her mother, a venomous ruler in a different age of Elyria had established grand plans for the daughter with a young and feeble heart.

She will never forget that night. The time had come where she was of the age to accept the blessing of her blood.

The young Malthyra was taken from her room and escorted to the grand hall as the great bell gonged, the guards veering around each corner quickly with an iron grip upon her arms. Naught but a single sigh escaped her lips as her knees hit the floor, dumped before the one she called mother.

The Duchess smiled, a menacing cackle slithering its way between her teeth. With a swift motion of her hand, the sound of armored footsteps rang throughout the hall. The young girl glanced to her left when she heard the thud. A man, no older than 20, now graced the hall with his presence. Lifted by the guards before she could take in the prisoner's face, the young Malthyra was moved to stand beside her Mother.

Peering down upon the man, the Duchess spoke softly. "For attempting to contact my daughter regarding information on her father, you shall be judged here and now... Decide, my daughter."

Malthyra hesitated upon hearing the words. The young lady had known her father met his fatal demise, yet she longed to know more as any daughter would. Overwhelmed, the young Malthyra froze. Proving unable to make the quick decision, the Duchess whispered quietly into her daughter's ear. A threat to those within the courts she had grown to love, a promise that ruling was meant to break you of the emotional bonds that tie the weak to the ground.

Malthyra blinked twice, the reality of her situation snapping her mind in two. "Guilty," she stated with eyes staring straight ahead. A lonely tear slid down her face as she understood her mother had been successful in her plot. The Duchess waved the guards away as the man was to be taken to the courtyard for beheading. A tight hug shocked Malthyra back into the room as she felt the cold embrace of the Duchess wrapping her dreams around her daughter.

Three years had passed now, with many decisions made by the young Malthyra to prove herself to her mother.

One Spring evening, a gala was presented for the fellow nobility and aristocracy throughout the kingdom. The halls were bustling with excitement as the monarchy had established majority rule over the lands within the Kingdom; a network like no other with the Duchess as a head of the organized effort.

The hall quieted as the Duchess began her speech. She spoke of the need for control and brutal methods to ensure their reign. With applause, she concluded her statements and looked to Malthyra.

Malthyra rose from her seat, making her way to her mother where she would stand by her side. An unyielding expression wrapped itself around her face as she prepared to speak. She spoke harshly, smiles and shouts of agreeing acknowledgment filling the room as she elaborated on the knowledge she had gained from her mother. For the first time in many moons, the young woman smiled. She closed her eyes as she nodded slowly, the militia filling the room and arresting all but the Duchess who stood shocked with an expression of bewilderment.

Malthyra slowly turned to face her mother, pointing to the goblet held in the hands of the Duchess. "Guilty," Malthyra stated, staring deeply into her mother's eyes. "Ruling as selfish, unjust, without discipline... Your list could lead on for eternity mother. I hereby sentence you to death for the betterment of the people, these lands, and this kingdom."

Hearing her sentence, the Duchess gasped. Taking one last terrified glimpse of the goblet before she fell. Malthyra nodded once more toward the hall as the nobles and aristocrats were put to their swift end.

Eyes staring ahead the young Duchess marched out of the castle, her robes trailing in the flowing red streams now painting the floor. She looked outward, knowing she must search for those who would help to see the world in a better light. Holding onto the ways she had been taught, Malthyra promised to never forget the opposite side of the coin. Where there is darkness, there is also light. This shall reign true in her judgement of all.

She who shall become to be known as merciful, yet stern.

This is my story. A story of eternal judgment that shall reign true. May we never forget that the face of a coin bears two sides. We must stand together to judge the weak-minded, and to judge the strongest of wicked ambition. I stand with you the people, absolute in our endeavors to create a fair and just realm for all.

Forever Absolute,

Malthyra, Duchess of Malevolence


11/5/2018 5:01:46 AM #1

I love this! Definitely some GoT vibe from this lore piece! I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.

Just have to keep my distance, is all 😁

11/5/2018 5:58:48 AM #2

Thanks Huldric!

11/5/2018 5:49:34 PM #3

love the dark vibe and purple colour scheme.

Duchess of Nareveth, Mayoress of Fyrebend, Duchy of Luxspring.

11/5/2018 7:04:01 PM #4

Thank you so much Ellivanne!