Bring me your huddled masses.

I've been scrolling through the Luna General daily for a while for potential recruits, seeing very little activity. So, I figured rather than simply go out searching the forums, this post should also bring potentially interested folks to me!

Do you fall under "potentially interested folks?"

If you are of a bloodline status, thats a good start but not required. Other things of interest would be based in my town, Raivenhal (hopefully soon county) . We'll be a farming, husbandry, and alchemy focused lot with particular interest in research. "Scholars of Life" aimed at unlocking the secrets within the lifeforces of Elyria. Townsmen of all sorts will be needed, and we'll be settling in Duchy Seidrellia of Bordweall, somewhere within the edge of the Swampland and Woodland Savannah.

That sounds big and fancy, but it boils town to a few select categories of interest:


-Animal Husbandry (Tamers, Breeders, Hunters, ect.)

-Alchemists or misc. (Things like Cooking and Brewing are arguably alchemy as well!)

-General Scholars

-Misc. Town necessities (Inn Keeper, Town Guards, ect.)

We've a few people to have joined so far, but with more of the game revealed I'm making a large effort to recruit. If interested, please message and/or look up Raivenhal in the forums. I prefer to do a small vetting process, talking to potential Townsmen, get to know you a little, your plans for the game, and so on.