A few questions; Been lurking since 2016.

Haven't been 100% ontop of everything but just had a few questions on the state of the game.

  1. In terms of game progress, are we set on a game design and waiting on an alpha test of the systems?

  2. Has anything majorly changed in terms of game design systems? ( like "perma death, family lines, etc )

  3. Is impacting the world still a thing like limited resources, death having meaning, etc?

  4. Has there been any realistic roadmap updates for when the dev's could realistically estimate a beta date? Like sometime in 2019, 2020, 2021, etc?

  5. Also, is there any sort of "red is dead" flagging system for criminals? I like the idea that someone who commited a crime lets say murdered someone in the woods wouldn't be instantly flagged as a criminal if there was no witnesses. ( like UO had that auto flagging system, kinda annoying )


12/4/2018 6:39:35 AM #1

In terms of game progress, are we set on a game design and waiting on an alpha test of the systems?

Kind of, we're in Pre-Alpha currently. Some things are still subject for change, but nothing game changing/major

Has anything majorly changed in terms of game design systems? ( like "perma death, family lines, etc )

No, and if it has, it would have been announced/updated on the homepage~

Is impacting the world still a thing like limited resources, death having meaning, etc?

Yes, resources are finite. Death ranges for loot, from little loot loss --> to full loot when you permadie.

Has there been any realistic roadmap updates for when the dev's could realistically estimate a beta date? Like sometime in 2019, 2020, 2021, etc?

No, there are currently no release timelines at all that have been done or are available. The only thing we have really is estimated release for CoE being late 2019

Also, is there any sort of "red is dead" flagging system for criminals? I like the idea that someone who commited a crime lets say murdered someone in the woods wouldn't be instantly flagged as a criminal if there was no witnesses. ( like UO had that auto flagging system, kinda annoying )

I'm going to have to say no to this, it isn't like that. When you commit a crime or a rumor is started about a crime etc, and you're the one who is guilty, they have to find you. They have to use the bounty token to investigate and be able to attempt to make an arrest. So using a disguise could make you look like someone else and potentially put the blame on them. It all varies, but I do not believe that with this system there is a red-flagging system that triggers to show someone that a person is the culprit of the crime.

12/4/2018 6:43:45 AM #2

1.yes 2.not that I know of, which is great 3.very much so's in flux, so no 5.nope, go get em killer

Zaldara Blackstan, Count of Stíelanheorte Mayor of Blaecstanbury

12/4/2018 6:46:24 AM #3

Violet answered while I painstakingly replied via mobile, but imma hit send anyway even tho my answers are brief!

  1. We have been set on game design the whole time, only prealpha has changed, and they have a nice prelyria client for that I'm super excited for.

  2. Just the prealpha experience. Vox is no longer a thing, or ElyriaMUD depending on how out of touch you are. Everything "major" has been consistent.

  3. Yes. Death is still permanant, even for npcs. Extinction, deforestation, research, the works.

  4. Roadmap maybe not. Might find some speculation, and some hope from people like myself that prelyria is in the near future though.

  5. Criminals are not instantly tagged. Try looking into forensics and investigation type topics but the short answer is you have to gather proof/have witnesses.

Also, welcome back.