CoE Screeps Server~

Feel free to come join us on Caspian's hosted Screeps server!

Screeps Discord Here

Helpful Links:

Screeps Tutorial

Screeps API

Visual Studio Code

Screeps Youtube Guide

Caspian's Twitch

Screeps is a typescript programming game that allows you to program little dooders to do things! Come and try to ally, conquer or just play around with some programming with some devs and the community!

Screeps streams:

Caspian's Stream

12/10/2018 7:04:55 AM #1

Server information is on discord! You can also pm me if you'd rather not use discord!

12/10/2018 6:05:31 PM #2

Great initiative by the master! Very meaningful too if you consider OPC scripts may be the most valuable non-material possession and scripting skill one of the most valuable trades a player can eventually have in CoE.