Looking to trade 215 coins for something useful.

Subject basically covers it. I have 215 coins at my disposal and I don't have a target to send them to, so I'm looking to see what kind of offer I can get for them. I don't want to just get a bunch of random junk items that people have gathered from this event, so leave that stuff out please. Thanks

12/22/2018 8:12:13 PM #1

That's all that I got thought.

12/22/2018 8:38:32 PM #2

Not going to mess around on this one. Going straight to my best offer, Sang:

One free dressing-down by Raychel Captain Goddess with a side of free grammar checking. No junky items here.

12/22/2018 8:43:11 PM #3

But Hier, I get plenty of those for free from her anyway!

12/22/2018 11:49:08 PM #4

I will trade my gratitude, well wishes, thoughts and prayers.

12/23/2018 12:08:07 AM #5

What do you want?

12/23/2018 1:27:07 AM #6

To put it simply, I'm looking for something that will have a decent impact on me in game. The best thing would be some way to upgrade my basic pledge package, for sure. Just seeing what's available out there, and what my coins are worth to someone.

12/30/2018 3:55:57 PM #7

I'd say about 30 bucks is a minimum and 50 bucks is about maximum what your coins are worth. If I were in your position, try to see what store items you can get in return for values up to that which you are interested in.

12/30/2018 6:05:00 PM #8

24 hours there about and they all vanish

Myself and others here have campaigns, Why not support one of us with the coins while you can.