The Book of Melon


Click here for enlightenment!

And join our Discord for some complimentary melon wine ;)

May Melon be with you.

1/17/2019 3:04:01 AM #1

Thank you for the fun, and for the nostalgia. Hahaha. I'll be checking this one out later tonight.

1/17/2019 6:25:46 AM #2

Revolutionary! The words of the prophets all in one mighty tome?

Praise Melony!

1/17/2019 11:24:49 AM #3

I'm just flabbergasted. Well thought out and written...weird as all get out, lol, but very cool.

-The largest cause of war is selfishness. The hardest thing to achieve in life is mutual selflessness.

Friend Code CD4DE7

1/17/2019 6:42:21 PM #4

Cannot wait for Melonism to spread across all of Elyria! Very well done and let us hope that Firemelon never rules again!

1/20/2019 7:33:29 AM #5

Praise Melony!

1/20/2019 9:45:14 PM #6

This was an awesome read. Great stuff!