Inventory Bugged

Page 2 of inventory won't load. This page contains my title to claim. I've tried several browsers and nothing will allow me to access this second page.

edit: neither 2 nor 3 will load now

4/13/2019 8:11:51 AM #1

Working fine for me on my tablet, as well as chrome and edge.

Maybe try logging out and back in or using different pc If you have one accesible?

Expecting to set up as a mayor in one of the three "two town" counties in Bridgespider (Angelica server, Kingdom of Tyria). I'm hoping to end up with a city by the end of exposition for lawmaking ability, assuming I can keep the city sustainable. You will know it's me by the city name Raven's Roost

Friend code: 23F484.

4/13/2019 8:28:06 AM #2

Your inventory would be vastly different than the OPs.

This is a known bug currently and something they are looking into

4/13/2019 1:36:32 PM #3

Just a helpful work around for the time being, set your inventory to show 100 items on the same page so the stuff from your 2nd page shows up in page one.

Hope it helps