City of Ostlyn

The City of Ostlyn

Server: Luna

Kingdom: Kairos

Dutchy: Acrium

County: Vesenia


The City of Ostlyn has the primary focus of production. We are proud producers of the finest foods and crafts money can buy, and love to innovate.

We are looking for:

• Farmers

• Crafters

• Guards/Soldiers

• Tradesmen

• Shop Owners

• Travelers


Our Goal:

Ostlyn intends to be the home of the best farmers, producers and crafters. We look after our citizens and will make sure everybody is happy at all times. Importing and Exporting will be a part of our culture and we will always have open arms for people traveling from other areas who wish to try our wares, settle down, or trade with us.

City Discord:

Our Discord is located on our County Server:

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"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if only you try!" - Dr. Seuss

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