NPCs - Commands and Stuff

I believe there will be a way to recruit NPCs to fight for you but do we have other Information about how NPCs will work? Like will we only be able to recruit NPCs to fight, or for things like hunting, gathering and crafting too? Do we have to pay them and if yes, will their pay be high? How many NPCs can one person "control"?

Regarding NPC Commands: How many options will the NPC Commands leave us with? Like will there only be "follow", "stay" and "fight" commands or could will we be able to write a script for them? Will we be able to let them do patrols, attack only certain targets and tell them to go to a spot we marked on the map?

So in a nutshell. How many options will we have when it comes to owning and commanding NPCs?

5/22/2019 9:51:41 PM #1

you cant own NPCs. You'll be able to give them commands, if they agree to team up with you. How that works is still unknown. But NPCs are meant to be just like players, so they will only work for you, if they profit from it more than by doing their own jobs.

Friend Code: 30EF47

5/23/2019 12:35:53 AM #2

You hire an NPC via a contract whereby they do something for you (offer you a service) and then you pay them for it. When it comes to commanding them, well, let's just say you can ask them to do something but if they don't want to they wont and if they do they will. They have minds of their own afterall.

If you tell them to run into a fight that looks like a suicide run they probably wont wanna do it.

5/23/2019 1:01:27 AM #3

NPCs can be hired for a broad range of activities and on a broad range of terms under the contract system. They will probably perform those tasks autonomously, but you might be able to give them fairly detailed instructions, either through contract terms or through something like the scripts that operate as task setting rules for OPCs (player characters that persist in the world when the player is offline).

Contracts are described in DJ 7, which is still (I think) the last word in the subject. Offline Player Characters are described in DJ 3.

I have a long post analyzing contracts.

NPCs will be modeled psychologically (again based on last word). Markof’s post on that from a year and a half ago is still the best analysis.

Count of Frostale, in the Duchy of Fioralba, in the Kingdom of Ashland, by the Grace of Haven. The above opinions are mine alone and do not reflect those of my Kingdom or Duchy.