need help =)

I am a Magistrate rank for the game. I was told I could pick a place to make my city on I think it was the 22, of May. Now I know the Date was pushed back a bit but I can't find any links or new dates for the picking of my town or whatever. Can someone please message me or something and help me out thanks......

Raolin Grabner

6/1/2019 1:38:37 AM #1

Settlement selection has been postponed until further notice.

Zaldara Blackstan, Count of Stíelanheorte Mayor of Blaecstanbury

6/1/2019 3:39:46 AM #2

Thanks for the info

Raolin Grabner

6/1/2019 4:51:57 AM #3

When it's ready. SBS will send out another time for everyone and another email.