I tell y'all. From Game of Thrones to Lord of the Ring and more, I can't watch anything without thinking of how X will apply to Chronicles of Elyria.

What's your most recently ruined fantasy because CoE?

I'm currently taking notes about how to set up a secret entrance (Mines of Moria anyone?)

~ Goody Odsbodikins, Count of the Highest State. ~
Friend Code: F41EFF

8/5/2019 4:26:36 AM #1

Mines of Moria

Hrothi settlement with a secret entrance, a Duke with a chimera package so he can make the beast that guards this secret door. A riddle about Diggy Diggy Holes being your key to passage.....

~ Goody Odsbodikins, Count of the Highest State. ~
Friend Code: F41EFF

8/5/2019 11:20:24 PM #2

Most fantasies dont care about the taxation of realm. CoE handels the title fantasy in a vastly diferent manner then evrything else , so for me it dosnt ruined any fantasy creation. If anything i look forward playing ck2 with a **load of peaple taking the role from peasents to dukes. And yeah its gona be fun how can players replicate towns/characters and soo on from other fantasy words, my desire to see a fully built up hobbit vilage which produces soo much food you could suply some kind of mongol horde.