DSS & Tribe Languages

When the surname selection system was launched, it included a surname generator of names in keeping with tribe languages, which was an excellent feature.

I wondered whether the below might be possible - and I appreciate this might not be available or a good use of time, but if any language work has happened yet, there may be a good opportunity to share.

Ahead of Domain & Settlement Selection, where leaders will be assigning names, I thought it might be nice to see if a selection of language translations were available for leaders to use in their naming.

For example, translations of common features or words included in location names:

-town -fort -hill -lake -farmstead -high -low etc. etc. etc.

Given that these tend to be descriptive (eg Stockholm - fortified island, Lancaster - castle on the river Lune, Nottingham - home of the Nott dudes), for those who are interested it could be a nice way to tie in to the in game culture.

8/22/2019 9:25:09 AM #1

I have asked many times for this but it seems they don’t want us to come up with names that fit into the lore and established language. Which is really sad.

Count LizenÇace VeLeîjres of Mydra's Crossing, VII of the order of the IX.

Order of IX

8/22/2019 9:36:45 AM #2

I would love this also. Would actually be a lot more work than people realise though.