[Sticky] The Dance of Domains

Hail and well met, Elyrians!

With Domain & Settlement Selection in full swing, and with the Settlers of Elyria Dutch-style auction coming up, it brings with it an entirely new phase to the Dance of Dynasties. Let's talk about what it is, what's already happened, and what to expect as we continue through to the next phase.

The Dance

Simply put, the Dance of Dynasties is the great political game of favors, alliances, and power played by lords and ladies and the highly ambitious. Political intrigue abounds when you play the game and the only way to win is to play. If you are a titled landowner, you're in the game already! When the nations of Elyria vie for dominance - whether through diplomacy, economy, or warfare - it is part of the Dance. When assassination plots and marriages are arranged, it's part of the Dance. When heirs are named and lineages ended, it's part of the Dance. When favor is given or owed, it is part of the Dance.

Chronicles of Elyria is a world where there is more to do than hunt monsters and get loot (but you can always go pursue the life of an Adventurer if that's what you're after!). There are layers to the gameplay that take place at the individual level, community level, governmental level, and world level. At each level, there is danger and drama. Heroic effort, skill, and the power of one's reputation will be the difference between survival and an early death! At every level!

The Dynasties

Domain & Settlement Selection, and the auction following it, mean that titled players are now real landowners in Elyria. Each one is a Dynasty waiting to thrive. Each one a potential threat or ally to another. Though people have been plotting and planning for months or years, it's hasn't been tangible or real until now. Now is when the Dance truly begins!

As this community continues through these events, and the lands meted out to players with an interest in governance, the members of each Kingdom, Duchy, and County will become its own roster of what are, in a way, guild members (as in the more traditional concept of a guild in an MMO): a group of players who are signing up to work on specific in-game goals together and who benefit from the size and quality of the collective. While there isn't raiding or grinding dungeons for rare loot in Chronicle of Elyria, there are plenty of objectives that will take large numbers of people coming together to coordinate and achieve a desired outcome. For characters who hold titles and lands, these might come in the form of the Sedecim, a royal wedding, or a conquest into neighboring lands.

Though there are communities that have already cropped up in the Forums and on Discord based on the promise of a great nation, no nations have previously existed. That's all changing, now that claims are being made on the lands of the starting continents.

While folks may instinctively cling to the communities to which they've already become a part, the relationships created thus far will not be enough to play the game. Much like in Texas Hold 'Em poker, you have some cards you were dealt (your own lands, your liege, other allies), but those alone are not sufficient to win. Only with the community cards that are played randomly on the table can you assemble a winning hand - just as it will be when unclaimed duchies, counties, and settlements will be picked up by new or newly-upgrading players! Don't think of those members who join your domain now as intruding on what you already have. Instead, think of them as the missing cards to an otherwise incomplete set.

Names and places are being written into the Chronicles as we speak. The final shape (in both borders and citizenry) for each kingdom, duchy, county, and settlement is still being penned. Old allies and new faces are being joined together in a way no other online game has attempted. By the time the ink is dry, a swath of land-bound communities will be able to begin playing the Dance together and preparing for the road ahead.

The Future

Each Kingdom, Duchy, and County is a grouping of duchies, counties, and settlements that are owned by real people who all share an interest in the more gubernatorial and political elements that Chronicles of Elyria has to offer. Though many found a community to join or swore allegiance to a liege before (unofficially), claiming land on the Elyrian map is the true and official way that Soulbound Studios always intended for these communities to be founded. The Dance of Dynasties is no longer a voluntary interest - it has officially begun!

As we continue toward launch, each set of liege and vassals will be able to plan and prepare for these planned events:

Alpha 1

During the first part of Alpha, those with access will be playing an early version of the game and providing feedback. The features planned in Alpha 1 are primarily around the plight of the individual. No governmental features will be in, so it will be the interest of titled landowners to pay attention to the quality of the natural environment, the architecture and arrangement of settlements, the Contract system, and the Knowledge and Gossip systems. All of these areas will be of import when it comes to supporting the economy and citizenry at a national scale.

Alpha 2

In the second part of Alpha, the land management features will be coming into play. While the characters and events that are experienced in Alpha (and Beta) are not going to be written into the Chronicles, this is the time to really put those systems through their paces to ensure that Chronicles of Elyria is the real deal, and provides title-holders the ability to rule the lands of Elyria in a whole variety of ways!

Kingdoms of Elyria

When Kingdoms of Elyria opens up, the scribes will be picking up their quills and recording the events. By this time, the features that support both individual advancement and gubernatorial play will have been tested, validated, iterated, and approved for elements of the real game to begin. Those communities that are just forming their roster of members through land selection now will be able to put their plans into play in Elyria's pre-launch history. Taking the reins of one's nation or settlement as one's ancestors, the conquests, alliances, treaties, and more that arise from gameplay during Kingdoms of Elyria will modify the starting circumstances of each title-holder once Exposition begins.


Finally, in Exposition, the stage is set and anyone with access is invited into Elyria to give it its final shape. New buildings, new roads, new characters, and more will be popping up as Exposition Points are used to buy special Exposition Kits and Items. Don't like the primary industry of your settlement? Change it to another one that you have the resources for. Wish you had more Blacksmiths? Add more workshops with forges. Need to turn a small dock into a commercial harbor? Magically poof one into existence like it had always been there! Exposition is when vanilla Elyria is customized by players. On launch day, new players will be joining a world forged by Soulbound Studios and molded by your hand!

In Summary

The Dance of Dynasties, which started early on the forums and in Discord, is now a tangible part of Elyria because the promised nations are becoming official. We're going to see a lot of new names around, so please welcome these newcomers with the same enthusiasm that initially drew you into the community. Help catch them up on the wealth of information and help them navigate the Domain & Settlement Selection and Settlers of Elyria Events. More players, more landowners, is only going to make Chronicles of Elyria a better, more dynamic, and dramatic world in which to play in.

With the increase of activity in the forums and on Discord, please remember our Terms of Use and Code of Conduct. The Dance of Dynasties is a strictly in-character part of Chronicles of Elyria and we can't abide harassment or abuse to real people (just to the characters you intend to play in game, which isn't personal). It's easy to get excited and think about ways to take the Dance into the real world, but remember that the Dance of Dynasties is something you play to win, and Earth 1.0 doesn't have any win conditions so you'd probably get an error anyway.

We're very excited, here in the studio, to watch you play the Dance and see the shape of the world over the next few months. You all owe it to yourselves to enjoy it, too, and join in with us in raising a glass to the true beginning of the eternal Dance and the unwritten future of Elyria!

Pledged to Your Continued Adventures in Life, Both Actual and Fantasy,


9/12/2019 6:22:59 PM #211

Posted By Woogawoman at 1:14 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Calling anyone who hasn't spent a ton of time in DIscord a "random" does not seem like a good start to having a considerate, productive conversation.

As another "random," I would not expect hostility directed at me because I did what I am allowed to do when it is my turn - pick a settlement. If it is my turn, it is my turn.

I have always been more interested in choosing a specific tribe with a specific environment to support the activities I want to have in my settlement. To date, most kingdom web sites and discord channels have come across as very "Neran" in tone, with little detail on how they expect to adapt based on the actual makeup of their regions and the actual attributes of those tribes,

As such, I have not selected a kingdom (and duke, and count, and whatever). And, in my opinion, I should not have to. My investment in the game and my influence level dictate my place in the order, and I should not need to adjust my choice in order to ensure someone who is going after me gets their preferred spot based on out of game discussions.

Respectfully submitted.

A random is someone who picks without connection or even introduction to the local group. It can and often does take less than a day before being welcomed into a group if they have space.

The major issue seems to be people equating something being allowed with it being socially acceptable.

If you want to play the game without regard to the other players, that's fine, plenty of people will do that. But to expect them to say or do nothing in response?

Count of Dragonsfall

9/12/2019 7:53:43 PM #212

Posted By Woogawoman at 12:14 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Calling anyone who hasn't spent a ton of time in DIscord a "random" does not seem like a good start to having a considerate, productive conversation.

As another "random," I would not expect hostility directed at me because I did what I am allowed to do when it is my turn - pick a settlement. If it is my turn, it is my turn.

I have always been more interested in choosing a specific tribe with a specific environment to support the activities I want to have in my settlement. To date, most kingdom web sites and discord channels have come across as very "Neran" in tone, with little detail on how they expect to adapt based on the actual makeup of their regions and the actual attributes of those tribes,

As such, I have not selected a kingdom (and duke, and count, and whatever). And, in my opinion, I should not have to. My investment in the game and my influence level dictate my place in the order, and I should not need to adjust my choice in order to ensure someone who is going after me gets their preferred spot based on out of game discussions.

Respectfully submitted.

Yes... you paid your money and have the 'right' to pick your spot on your turn without any regard for anyone else. SBS will not stop you, and no one else has the power to stop you. That's where your right ends.

Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean there aren't consequences to abusing that right however. Like abusing your first amendment right can get you fired from your job or even punched in the face by another member of the public. Abusing your right to place by dropping into a community that has spent years working together and disrupting plans they have been carefully trying to make since maps became available (to the best of their ability and yes, aware that pick order is a thing) without so much as a "Hi, how do you do." can likewise bring the ire of said community and give them a reason to want to remove you from their area. Many communities are open and friendly and will welcome you in if you ask, and knowing ip order is a thing will respect your pick if you at least communicate so the other person can make new plans. But dropping in unannounced is a dick move and ultimately you will have to deal with the consequences for your choice.

Respectfully disagreeing.

9/12/2019 8:02:13 PM #213

Posted By Malkaven at 9:00 PM - Wed Sep 11 2019

If Dukes and Monarchs really are asking to be notified by randoms before finalizing their selection I haven't encountered that solicited here on the forums firsthand. I'm sure many randoms don't follow Discord. I really don't. That request doesn't seem to be very publicly visible on COE's forums. Maybe it should be.

They WERE rather visible in the main forums for each server... apparently too visible as SBS has since moved them into the smaller domain advertisement forums which do not show up in the feed. Despite the fact those threads would have normally been against the rules to post in those advertising forums...

9/12/2019 8:09:14 PM #214

Posted By Dekul at 3:02 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Posted By Malkaven at 9:00 PM - Wed Sep 11 2019

If Dukes and Monarchs really are asking to be notified by randoms before finalizing their selection I haven't encountered that solicited here on the forums firsthand. I'm sure many randoms don't follow Discord. I really don't. That request doesn't seem to be very publicly visible on COE's forums. Maybe it should be.

They WERE rather visible in the main forums for each server... apparently too visible as SBS has since moved them into the smaller domain advertisement forums which do not show up in the feed. Despite the fact those threads would have normally been against the rules to post in those advertising forums...

It'd have helped if those posts weren't so hostile and instead asked nicely rather than "We'll ruin your game and there's nothing you can do about it".

9/12/2019 8:38:17 PM #215

Posted By evandarksky at 3:09 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Posted By Dekul at 3:02 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Posted By Malkaven at 9:00 PM - Wed Sep 11 2019

If Dukes and Monarchs really are asking to be notified by randoms before finalizing their selection I haven't encountered that solicited here on the forums firsthand. I'm sure many randoms don't follow Discord. I really don't. That request doesn't seem to be very publicly visible on COE's forums. Maybe it should be.

They WERE rather visible in the main forums for each server... apparently too visible as SBS has since moved them into the smaller domain advertisement forums which do not show up in the feed. Despite the fact those threads would have normally been against the rules to post in those advertising forums...

It'd have helped if those posts weren't so hostile and instead asked nicely rather than "We'll ruin your game and there's nothing you can do about it".

They weren't all like that. My duchy asked nicely for people to come introduce themselves and said you'll be considered neutral if you don't... others outright said all are welcome. So, not like every community is the same.

9/12/2019 10:20:24 PM #216

Posted By Tyson at 2:22 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Posted By Woogawoman at 1:14 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Calling anyone who hasn't spent a ton of time in DIscord a "random" does not seem like a good start to having a considerate, productive conversation.

As another "random," I would not expect hostility directed at me because I did what I am allowed to do when it is my turn - pick a settlement. If it is my turn, it is my turn.

I have always been more interested in choosing a specific tribe with a specific environment to support the activities I want to have in my settlement. To date, most kingdom web sites and discord channels have come across as very "Neran" in tone, with little detail on how they expect to adapt based on the actual makeup of their regions and the actual attributes of those tribes,

As such, I have not selected a kingdom (and duke, and count, and whatever). And, in my opinion, I should not have to. My investment in the game and my influence level dictate my place in the order, and I should not need to adjust my choice in order to ensure someone who is going after me gets their preferred spot based on out of game discussions.

Respectfully submitted.

A random is someone who picks without connection or even introduction to the local group. It can and often does take less than a day before being welcomed into a group if they have space.

The major issue seems to be people equating something being allowed with it being socially acceptable.

If you want to play the game without regard to the other players, that's fine, plenty of people will do that. But to expect them to say or do nothing in response?

Maybe they just figure that they will reach out to their neighbors a bit closer to release? Say 2021 or so? Not everyone wants to metagame for 4 years before a game comes out.

9/12/2019 10:54:42 PM #217

Posted By Drudge at 12:20 AM - Fri Sep 13 2019

Maybe they just figure that they will reach out to their neighbors a bit closer to release? Say 2021 or so? Not everyone wants to metagame for 4 years before a game comes out.

You're not realistic. That kingdom is a community. They make promises together to protect their assets and the kingdom. When a complete stranger comes in the neighborhood, who doesn't even bother to say hello, the community becomes insecure. That fort was promised to a trustee with soldiers. The new occupant doesn't talk, and nobody knows if he brings soldiers in or that he will rely on the NPC community only. Next to that, your friend, who had plans to trade stuff and craft stuff with you, suddenly has to live somewhere else. What is the new occupant gonna produce? Nobody knows, because he is not talking. I don't find it strange that the active community will do everything in their powers to get rid of the unknown stranger of whom they don't know what will do there. At first they do everything they can to get him to announce himself, but when that doesn't work, what else can they do.

I am against all that hostility, but I understand it completely. There are two sides on everything. And a random Count has spent much money on his position. He should do everything he can to secure his position for the long run.

9/13/2019 12:54:34 AM #218

Posted By Drudge at 6:20 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Posted By Tyson at 2:22 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Posted By Woogawoman at 1:14 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Calling anyone who hasn't spent a ton of time in DIscord a "random" does not seem like a good start to having a considerate, productive conversation.

As another "random," I would not expect hostility directed at me because I did what I am allowed to do when it is my turn - pick a settlement. If it is my turn, it is my turn.

I have always been more interested in choosing a specific tribe with a specific environment to support the activities I want to have in my settlement. To date, most kingdom web sites and discord channels have come across as very "Neran" in tone, with little detail on how they expect to adapt based on the actual makeup of their regions and the actual attributes of those tribes,

As such, I have not selected a kingdom (and duke, and count, and whatever). And, in my opinion, I should not have to. My investment in the game and my influence level dictate my place in the order, and I should not need to adjust my choice in order to ensure someone who is going after me gets their preferred spot based on out of game discussions.

Respectfully submitted.

A random is someone who picks without connection or even introduction to the local group. It can and often does take less than a day before being welcomed into a group if they have space.

The major issue seems to be people equating something being allowed with it being socially acceptable.

If you want to play the game without regard to the other players, that's fine, plenty of people will do that. But to expect them to say or do nothing in response?

Maybe they just figure that they will reach out to their neighbors a bit closer to release? Say 2021 or so? Not everyone wants to metagame for 4 years before a game comes out.

So introducing yourself to a community before dropping in is the same as multi-year metagaming? They don't need to meet some daily message and voice meeting quota, just a quick "hey whats up, can i join ya? this spot open? great! i'll check in on occasion and be more active when there's an actual game, thanks a bunch."

I've got a couple mayors I haven't heard from in 2 years but if they popped up in a town of mine i'd be cool with that because they at some point put literally the minimum effort in of messaging me beforehand.

Is this really what people are complaining about? That the people above them want a heads-up before someone they don't know just appears in their county/duchy? These people are going to have to interact with each other and their neighbors on a fairly regular basis, I would think they would want to know something before committing a few hundred dollars investment next to them.

Some of these people are gonna be complaining a lot harder when their neighbors/superiors gang up and CB them for being too poor a fit for the group. And considering they couldn't even be bothered to message someone, I feel that may be quite a few of them.

Count of Dragonsfall

9/15/2019 3:24:04 PM #219

Is there a possible date yet as to release of the game as a whole?

9/15/2019 6:17:43 PM #220

macleodoflewis sadly, no.

Respect and trust!

9/15/2019 6:22:02 PM #221

Posted By Tyson at 8:54 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Posted By Drudge at 6:20 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Posted By Tyson at 2:22 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Posted By Woogawoman at 1:14 PM - Thu Sep 12 2019

Calling anyone who hasn't spent a ton of time in DIscord a "random" does not seem like a good start to having a considerate, productive conversation.

As another "random," I would not expect hostility directed at me because I did what I am allowed to do when it is my turn - pick a settlement. If it is my turn, it is my turn.

I have always been more interested in choosing a specific tribe with a specific environment to support the activities I want to have in my settlement. To date, most kingdom web sites and discord channels have come across as very "Neran" in tone, with little detail on how they expect to adapt based on the actual makeup of their regions and the actual attributes of those tribes,

As such, I have not selected a kingdom (and duke, and count, and whatever). And, in my opinion, I should not have to. My investment in the game and my influence level dictate my place in the order, and I should not need to adjust my choice in order to ensure someone who is going after me gets their preferred spot based on out of game discussions.

Respectfully submitted.

A random is someone who picks without connection or even introduction to the local group. It can and often does take less than a day before being welcomed into a group if they have space.

The major issue seems to be people equating something being allowed with it being socially acceptable.

If you want to play the game without regard to the other players, that's fine, plenty of people will do that. But to expect them to say or do nothing in response?

Maybe they just figure that they will reach out to their neighbors a bit closer to release? Say 2021 or so? Not everyone wants to metagame for 4 years before a game comes out.

So introducing yourself to a community before dropping in is the same as multi-year metagaming? They don't need to meet some daily message and voice meeting quota, just a quick "hey whats up, can i join ya? this spot open? great! i'll check in on occasion and be more active when there's an actual game, thanks a bunch."

I've got a couple mayors I haven't heard from in 2 years but if they popped up in a town of mine i'd be cool with that because they at some point put literally the minimum effort in of messaging me beforehand.

Is this really what people are complaining about? That the people above them want a heads-up before someone they don't know just appears in their county/duchy? These people are going to have to interact with each other and their neighbors on a fairly regular basis, I would think they would want to know something before committing a few hundred dollars investment next to them.

Some of these people are gonna be complaining a lot harder when their neighbors/superiors gang up and CB them for being too poor a fit for the group. And considering they couldn't even be bothered to message someone, I feel that may be quite a few of them.

Yes. Unlike you, some people do not want to try and forge relationships 4 years before a game releases. Try to think of other perspectives. It's fine to do your Discord politics, but keep an open mind for people who are looking for something closer to when the game actually releases.

9/15/2019 7:03:22 PM #222

Clearly some people here have not played many MMO's or online games at all. Respect, open mind, other players feelings, do not matter in a MMO. What matters is group A thinks they can take what group B has, they plan and build and craft to do exactly that. Then they march off to conquer the objective. If anyone thinks COE will be any different, you are mistaken. Players will come burn your crops kill your animals and loot your buildings just because they can. No rule or mechanic will prevent this.

9/15/2019 9:19:25 PM #223

Posted By Tyson at 10:54 AM - Fri Sep 13 2019

Is this really what people are complaining about? That the people above them want a heads-up before someone they don't know just appears in their county/duchy? These people are going to have to interact with each other and their neighbors on a fairly regular basis, I would think they would want to know something before committing a few hundred dollars investment next to them.

What about all the new people come launch? The hundreds or thousands of them? Should all those ask for your permission before starting the game? Do you feel that entitled? Or are you just a shitty leader that can't handle the randomness that people bring?

If any leader, can't wait until expo to get a feel for people and make threats/plan to destroy anyone not in their special little group. Well they are just outing themselves as a terrible leader that will be the first to get removed. Good luck meta gaming all those NPCs.

Also good luck thinking the NPCs will be on your side when you go around destroying anyone not in your group. The mechanics won't allow you to do that. But hey, it's going to be an awesome show to watch unfold.

Side note: I wonder if this will give the community a rep of being toxic wankers.

9/15/2019 9:28:31 PM #224


That's extremely disingenuous. The leaders aren't asking every random to message them. They aren't even asking every domain leader to message them. Almost every leader was asking for random counts to message them.

People have taken what those leaders put out, and twisted it beyond all reason.

No, I don't think the leaders asking for counts to message them and work something out will give the community a rep for being "toxic wankers".

However, it is quite possible that people putting words into those leaders mouths, and spreading rumors that "no randoms are welcome" is the common mentality, will...


9/15/2019 10:52:04 PM #225

Posted By Gunnlang at 4:19 PM - Sun Sep 15 2019

Posted By Tyson at 10:54 AM - Fri Sep 13 2019

Is this really what people are complaining about? That the people above them want a heads-up before someone they don't know just appears in their county/duchy? These people are going to have to interact with each other and their neighbors on a fairly regular basis, I would think they would want to know something before committing a few hundred dollars investment next to them.

What about all the new people come launch? The hundreds or thousands of them? Should all those ask for your permission before starting the game? Do you feel that entitled? Or are you just a shitty leader that can't handle the randomness that people bring?

If any leader, can't wait until expo to get a feel for people and make threats/plan to destroy anyone not in their special little group. Well they are just outing themselves as a terrible leader that will be the first to get removed. Good luck meta gaming all those NPCs.

Also good luck thinking the NPCs will be on your side when you go around destroying anyone not in your group. The mechanics won't allow you to do that. But hey, it's going to be an awesome show to watch unfold.

Side note: I wonder if this will give the community a rep of being toxic wankers.

Typically Gunny I agree with most of your points and views but man you are way out there on this one.

If you are a count you likely have folks joining with you. A duke would like to know who the counts are under them so everyone works toward the same goal within the duchy. I liken it to in typical games a count is a guild leader, a duke is an alliance leader and the king is the head of a coalition of the faction. A leader of alliances as it were.

If you are the head of an alliance and some random guild drops in and decides to go left instead of right and ruins your plans wouldn’t you be slightly ticked?

In addition an added layer we have expo eventually. Expo is where the counts and the duke build up their territory based on what they all deem as the collective goal. Need a highway running from one end to the other would require each count along the route to build their section of highway through the points the adjoining counts end and begin their sections.

In short stopping by and saying heya I’m Malais and I plan on doing X. How can we all work together isn’t toxic.

Doing the exact opposite is.
