Forest farming in Orchard

Can the forest farming kit plants grow under trees in an orchard?

Count of Frostale, in the Duchy of Fioralba, in the Kingdom of Ashland, by the Grace of Haven. The above opinions are mine alone and do not reflect those of my Kingdom or Duchy.

9/18/2019 3:53:22 AM #1

That's an interesting question. Irl the question would be what makes those plants well suited for growing in a forest, between trees. In a conifer forest, it might be the soil acidity, but since these kits don't specify, afaik, a particular kind of forest, then that probably isn't the case.

A second, more plausible reason is that the plants prefer the shade of growing between trees, as opposed to being grown in an open field or garden. Irl they would still be sensitive to the soil pH, but that's another matter.

At a stretch a third reason might have something to do with some more specific reason, perhaps having to do with microorganisms like a leaf mold, but that's a reach, and would also be specific to a certain kind of forest, so, presuming the second reason is why they are best suited to growing under a canopy...

Orchards aren't necessarily as shady as a forest. Modern orchards consist of shorter trees somewhat closely spaced, but the lower height, as well as spacing for access by the grower to the fruit, and to permit the tree sufficient access to the sun itself, means they won't be as shady as an average forest. Older orchards would have taller stock, but would have more room between them, and again wouldn't be as shady as a forest.

Still, there would be somewhat more shade than an open garden.

Tldr; maybe, although maybe not quite as well as in a true forest? ^^

9/18/2019 6:26:42 AM #2

Actually they are describing the needs for those seeds quite explicit. At best you can plant them in a different biome like your orchard but with reduced output.

Note: These plants are able to grow in the Lower Montane Forest, the Alpine Coniferous Forest, the Mixed Leaf Forest, the Broadleaf Forest, and the Taiga. These plants can also grow in valley microbiomes within the Alpine Tundra.

Count of "Wulfsbargen" in the Duchy "Avaland" within the Kingdom "Tryggr". If not explicit mentioned the above opinions are mine alone and do not reflect those of my Duchy or Kingdom.

9/18/2019 6:54:24 AM #3

I was thinking the same thing, might have to wait until the trees are a few years old, maybe plant a few evergreens with them, I am going to give it a try.

9/18/2019 7:23:41 AM #4

If they work like IRL, strawberries and green onions are annuals, while blackberries and raspberries are perennial shrubs. If the plants follow their RL analogs, two of them should yield crops right away but will need to be replanted with new seeds, while the other two will take some time to bear fruit.

But IRL, all these plants can grow in full sunlight, although they are often found in places that are partially shaded. SBS may be changing the preferred conditions so that forested areas have more food variety. Because of that, we really have no proof of several attributes.