Hrithragr Outpost, Duchy of Turadh

Hrithragr Outpost

County of Penbaien -> Duchy of Turadh -> Kingdom of Tryggr

The Basics:

As Baron, I aspire to create a place for people to live with a variety of roles to fill.

  • Communal farming, innkeeping, a traveling market, and more! This will allow people to try roles without fully committing and enables people who start with nothing to get involved.
  • Communal housing for communal workers.
  • Militia training with crossbows and spears available.
  • In accordance with Tryggr law, all citizens must be proficient in the use of at least one “weapon”.

Port Settlement:

Starting of next to the ocean and having a port will give us some advantages, as well as make us targets for sea raiders.

  • Fishing industry
  • Move goods easier
  • Move people easier
  • Shipwright
  • Small river by Outpost leading into the next county and a small river by the county seat.

Having water nearby opens up boat gameplay, as well as providing plenty of bonuses for us living there!

Mixed Forest Settlement:

Lots of trees and nature all over the place! Neran, Kypiq and Waerd live in these parts.

  • Plenty of wood for building materials.
  • Plenty of foraging.
  • Plenty of hunting.

But no one truly knows what lurks in the heart of the woods...

Adventurers/Mercenary Guild:

Since there will be plenty of people wanting to adventure, be hired as a caravan guard or even be hired to go take care of road bandits. Having a hub for people to find one another will be useful.

  • Allows people easier contact to hire adventurers/mercenaries.
  • Adventurers/combatants have a place to look for work.
  • The potential to open a “Hero school” in the long run.
  • Given we have a port, easier travel allows for more contacts and jobs.
  • Extra town security, as there will be more combatants there.
  • Adventurers/Mercenaries are expected to work with local forces should threat of an attack arise.

Which leads me onto what the first long term goal for our town, allowing for more organisation and opportunities for combatants...


As we start with an outpost and aim to upgrade the County Seat into a castle-town, we will have an obligation to keep the keeps manned!

  • It would be preferable to have players as Officers
  • Though it is intended that NPCs will form most of the rank and file, so that players can join the mercenary/adventuring guild, that isn’t to say people can’t be soldiers if they wish. I just imagine the guild having more freedom!
  • We intend to focus the bulk of our military personnel on naval matters as we are a coastal County, rocking marines and boat-mounted artillery.
  • To compensate for a relative lack of land infantry, sponsored animal trainers/breeders will focus on combat animals.

I love the idea of modifying Ballista to fire gliders (whee, doom divers!) so we can drop death on our enemies, but we will have to see what is achievable!


Though the County Seat is a civil settlement, the aim is to build it up to a castle-town with gameplay available for a variety of people.

  • It means we can get both civil and combat home XP bonuses, depending on if you live in the town or castle.
  • The castle allows for defence for the town
  • The town allows for supply to the castle
  • The military settlement, though referred to as a castle, will remain smaller than its civil counterpart
  • As a port town, we can keep Marines for anti-piracy patrols.
  • The game will support this: the castle-town will be classed as 2 separate settlements.
  • High ground to build upon. It would be damn cool to have this! :D

Pike or pitchfork, there will be a place for you!

Monkey Strike Force!:

One of our long-term goals will be to breed and train combat/adventure companions. Vercary Monkeys seems like a solid choice!

  • Aim to breed a grand number of monkeys.
  • Attempt to train some as we increase in numbers so as to learn HOW to train them.
  • Monkey x-bows!

As it stands, I am considering leaving the majority of monkey breeding/training in the Outpost. That isn’t to say monkeys are banned from the county capitol... but does lead me onto...

Capturing the County:

We are very excited that we will have the opportunity to capture the county! It should give us some fun combat gameplay without annoying player Counts!

  • Some fun gameplay that will give us some story!
  • As our starting town is a military settlement and the county seat is a civil one, we have soldiers while they merely have guards!
  • We could potentially get their guards on our side to make it easier.
  • They won’t stand a chance if we have the Monkey Strike Force in operation!
  • Undiscovered Stone, Minerals, Clay and Farmland are present In the County.

There is much glory to be had, let us seize it together!

Contact us:

Leave a comment, drop a PM on the site or drop in Discord if you have questions!

Duchy of Turadh Discord

Link: To come