Shiny videos VS 2016 videos

Hey, I don't often visit the forum or read dev journals. So, sorry if this topic is already discussed. I just watched all shiny day videos and couldn't stop myself from comparing them to videos from 2016 such as "Official Pre-Alpha First Look", "Snow Accumulation Preview", "World Interaction", or that "Silver Mine" video from 2017.

When can we expect shiny videos to reach this level of detail? And what exactly has been done in the 2016-2019 time period that adds to these videos from 2016?

11/27/2019 3:54:37 PM #1

Not till Alpha. This is all prealpha stuff.

Everything has been redone basically. Some stayed but they redid the enter engine to the Soulbound engine and redid the whole backend and well what you see now.

11/27/2019 6:30:03 PM #2

More of a difference in the front-end client. The difference is that SbS is deliberately using simpler assets in the Pre-Alpha client so that changes to mechanics don't need to wait as much for asset changes. Once the mechanics are fleshed out and considered stable, the full client will get updated (which if I understand correctly is mostly a matter of updating the assets as both clients are using UE4).

The transition from Pre-Alpha to Alpha is likely when that will start being visible in what we see from the studio.

11/27/2019 10:27:55 PM #3

2016 videos were basically promo videos, the bulk of them were probably pushed out explicitly for the kickstarter.