Season duration - thoughts?

I read about plans to make each season 1 day long. This means that each Monday would be a different season, but you'd have to prepare for the seasons ahead ie with cloaks for winter etc. For those playing reduced hours, my first thought is that this could be quite a push for timescales.

Would you consider making a season 2 days ie 8 days per year ie just scale down life expectancy to fit with it. In medieval times people didn't live that long anyway.

Anyone have thoughts?

5/7/2016 9:06:39 AM #1

The current design of 24-hours per season is based on existing mechanics around death and rebirth. Including seasonal food growth etc.

Now how this plays out during alpha/beta is unknown and we'll have to see how things go then.

5/7/2016 9:40:35 AM #2

Thanks Maygus

5/7/2016 4:03:24 PM #3

Isnt 1 day/season a bit too extreme? I feel like a month would be better, 1 day is just way too fast and it would be too tedious for survivalists.

5/7/2016 6:47:36 PM #4

I agree with Quizok. I'm not sure what plans you have around Seasons and how much they'll actually effect gameplay, but having the seasons change once a day seems, atleast imo, far to frequent. Kinda feels like it would just lead to tedious amounts of work changing around farms, gear, even travel plans just to account for the season change. I'd seriously expect no less than 2 weeks for a season, any less seems silly.

Also this is my first post, Heyo all o/

5/7/2016 6:50:25 PM #5

This topic has been brought up a few times. The end result is always the same. Some people think 1 day / season is great, others think its to fast, but its always agreed that this is something to wait on testing. The devs have already said they are designing the game with this time frame as, what I consider, a staple. It wont change until testing, if it changes at all.

This is not meant to be hostile in anyway. I am just putting the heads up out there that there have probably been 3 or 4 topics on this already and they have all ended the same.

5/7/2016 6:58:02 PM #6

Ight, wasn't aware, thanks for the info. I'll reserve my opinions till we see something solid.

5/7/2016 7:41:54 PM #7

Yeah the fast pace seems ok to me, but even for me 1 day per season seems too much. For casual players you barely get time to get cloaks from suppliers before winters upon you.

2 days per season seemed pretty fast, but bearable - allows you just over a week between years. In all honesty given the choice, I'd up it to 3 days per season, meaning a year would pass in 12 days. I guess the question here is how the rest of the code has been written.

You'd potentially have to slash life expectancy to 1/3 the current amount, which would be ok in medieval terms I guess, but there would be other impacts - ie volume of food from farms tripled to compensate for growing cycles etc.

5/18/2016 1:49:30 AM #8

Just adding to the opinions here. I'm on the side of the seasons lasting longer. Not only because of having to constantly change gear and travel plans, but the farming bit is a huge factor too. Certain crops only grow in certain seasons so being able to churn out every type of crop in four days would probably make them all about the same price. However if the seasons lasted longer, say a full month or even half a month, the crops can go in and out of season which raises and lowers the prices.

If each year lasted a month in real time they would still be getting 3 full cycles of seasons per year of gameplay, 6 cycles if it's half a month. Even if it's a slower pace, changing seasons is still really interesting compared to what most other games are doing.

As for adjusting the life expectancy to compensate, it's a fantasy game, they could go the GoT route and just say seasons last multiple years.

5/18/2016 1:53:08 AM #9

The GoT angle has been brought up too. We are gonna have to wait for testing and see what the dev's think about their design choice.

Personally I think the 1 day season will be easy to get used to.

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6/10/2016 3:43:38 PM #10

The devs want a character to last about a year IRL, so they basicly said that 12 months IRL would be about 80-100 years in game, I am sure they got their math correct as they want to base this game alot on Real life (From what i have read)

6/10/2016 6:03:23 PM #11

Wow so those of us who can only play 3-4 days a week will end up being OPCs for half a year plus at the 1 day rate. In my case Tuesday, Thursday, every other Friday and some Saturdays. I'd be an OPC for a little over half my characters lifespan.

6/10/2016 6:25:23 PM #12

My biggest concern on the time scale is if I am heading out of town to get supplies and it takes an hour RL to get there and in game that's a day or whatever the math works out to be. Movement scaled to time it going to have to be crazy to keep the time scale in line.

6/10/2016 6:27:49 PM #13

Could we get a second to second ratio. I mean if one combat move takes 3 seconds then is that a day in game?

6/10/2016 6:39:58 PM #14

1 RL day = 3 IG months assuming 12 month year in game 8 Hours = 30 days in game 480 mins = 30 days IG 16 mins = 1 IG day (24 hours assumed) 960 sec = 24 hours per IG Day

40 sec per ingame hour .667 seconds per in game minute

I think I did the math right trying to do work at the same time >.<

6/10/2016 6:43:37 PM #15

One in game day is 2.5 real life hours. 1.5 hours of day and 1 hour of night.