Rate the username above you!

The classic forum game, 1-10 rating system followed by your reasoning. :)

“Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

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1/4/2017 8:28:49 PM #346

10/10 if I may pronounce it with a german accent

1/4/2017 9:23:12 PM #347


It's got a good beat but hard to dance to.

The Township of Bris, County Delgora. Friend Code B2CF9C Friend Code B2CF9C

1/7/2017 4:53:38 AM #348


A Bris is a circumcision ceremony, I believe, so kudos for including it in your name given the connection to small winkies. If your middle name was Gerald i'd add an extra point for being able to pronounce your name Huge Bris.

Friend Code: 628DAE

1/7/2017 5:27:50 AM #349

ohh boy ....9 ?

1/7/2017 1:25:56 PM #350

9/10 + 1 for the awesome signature

1/10/2017 1:55:04 AM #351

9/10 Unique and memorable

1/21/2017 9:15:20 AM #352


Creative, but it feels a little strange to say and sounds a bit harsh even though it looks elegant.

1/21/2017 12:43:06 PM #353

9/10 great RP value for a blacksmith or dwarf. memorable.

1/21/2017 12:55:30 PM #354


Not quite sure, its just 2 names put together. At least it unique.


1/21/2017 6:28:34 PM #355


It does really sounds good and easy when pronouncing it. And seems original enough, because I've never heard a name like yours in my travels.

1/21/2017 7:04:25 PM #356

10/10 It rhymes and sounds funny

1/21/2017 7:13:11 PM #357


Strong! Or could be the name of a medicine, name has unclear intentions

"Change, or know your fate.." - Elijah Sozo

1/23/2017 5:53:35 AM #358


Because you must have broads in Atlanta.

1/23/2017 10:28:55 AM #359


This will go up to 10/10 if you become an artist xD

1/24/2017 3:15:28 PM #360


For me it just sounds bad :/

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