Developers Information

Where might I find information regarding the history of the developers? Their past experiences on games or possibly job history. I'd think it wouldn't be that big a deal to ask about this stuff.

I got the information about the CEO and the Art Director but not anyone else on the team.

6/14/2016 6:29:02 PM #16

Like Robin Hood, the Great Caspian swoops in when you least expect it, letting go of a broadhead of knowledge.

6/14/2016 6:29:49 PM #17

Hmmm....wonders what Tori's real name is, and how many booking photos there are? :P

6/15/2016 2:24:25 AM #18

Kuj0, you've made mention of this several times in IRC and now on the forums and I'm not sure why. So far as I am aware, I was not yet an employee at Soulbound and have not been present for any photo shoots, and as such, am unlisted in the staff directory you can find on the Kickstarter campaign page.

6/15/2016 3:02:07 AM #19

mesmerized by his forum sig

6/15/2016 4:36:32 PM #20

If you want to hear my story, you gotta buy me a drink first.


6/15/2016 4:42:57 PM #21

Deal! Launch party?

<strong>Coming Soon</strong>

6/15/2016 4:46:48 PM #22

If you need analysis, product owner, or related support skills (not to be confused with Product Manager or Producer), let me know. I'm local, I'm experienced (27+ years), and I'm familiar with both gaming and startups (as well as entrepreneurship).

Also, a member in good standing since 2013 of Foghladha's (Foley) "fam" (I hear he's coming to visit you soon... my hopes are high that CoE gets added to our play list!! I'll be here anyway, but if they are too, that would just... rock. :)

My $0.02 worth - subject to fluctuations in the community stock exchange.