Looking to trade 215 coins for something useful.

Subject basically covers it. I have 215 coins at my disposal and I don't have a target to send them to, so I'm looking to see what kind of offer I can get for them. I don't want to just get a bunch of random junk items that people have gathered from this event, so leave that stuff out please. Thanks

12/22/2018 8:03:49 PM #1

Caeruleum has much to offer and your coins will be put to very good use! Please get in touch with #Lord Malephite Taika2573.

12/22/2018 8:10:50 PM #2

Awesome, I sent them a DM. Thank you

12/22/2018 8:35:17 PM #3

Hey Xsanguinator,

Happy to trade gift cards if you so wish. Feel free to DM me.

Friend code: B29DD8

12/22/2018 9:11:30 PM #4

I sent you a DM Omicronus. Thanks

12/22/2018 9:39:42 PM #5

I'll either buy them off you or offer you land in game if you want.

12/22/2018 10:50:39 PM #6

I DM'd you as well Maegor

12/23/2018 12:11:13 AM #7

I got land to share my friend.