Sermon on Balance


The first question is what is balance? To many, balance is true neutrality. It is the gray in a black and white world. It is neither good nor evil, male or female, dark or light. That seems like a fair definition. So very simple, but it is so very inaccurate. Balance is much more.

Balance is subjective. For each person, there is a very unique line that is the balance. Each situation has its own balance. To many, killing someone is wrong. But, what if you are a soldier following orders? The sheriff who is faced with a criminal that must be brought to justice? In both of these circumstances, killing may be the only option. Does that make the person who is killing wrong or bad? It might to the one being killed, but not to the king who gives the order to march into war or the one wronged by the criminal. Many people would say that thievery is wrong, but what if it is a mann stealing a loaf of bread to feed his children? Is not the greater crime in letting the children starve?

Sometimes, in order to bring a desired circumstance, one must do the thing that is opposite of what you are wanting to do. To heal a broken limb, one must set the bone, causing pain before relief can be achieved. The dosage of a sleeping herb for a large mann may very well kill a smaller mann. One glass of wine may relax a mann on a normal day, but it may take two glasses of wine if he is overly worried.

So, how do you find balance when it changes so often? The key to balance lies everywhere. One must listen inside for the answers as well as observe the world around. For each person, each situation, the answer will be different and often ever changing. As you find the balance within, you bring the balance without. Balance is not peace, but it can bring clarity. Balance just is.

Countess of Tarnham

County Tarnham, Rhynelands Duchy, Vornair. Luna Server (NA-E)

12/22/2016 4:38:47 PM #1

A good read.

"Whats normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”

12/22/2016 11:07:41 PM #2

Well said.