Multiple Guild Membership

Will it be possible to be a member of multiple Guilds?

Something like Final Fantasy XI/XIV's Linkshells?

12/29/2015 9:42:54 PM #1

Urrg I hope not. Lets just be in 1 guild at a time.... Just think abuot it could you really be in a merchant guild and a warrior guild at the same time? I don't think so... Guilds in this game will have a purpose and not just social. They can make castle and ect so I do not think so sorry man.

12/29/2015 9:51:48 PM #2

Taking from thedogs, let's humanize this:

In real life there are still "Guilds"; and yes you can join multiple.

I would think this would fall into contracts. IF you wish to join a group of people in a Guild you would sign a contract. If the contract says you cannot join other guilds I would assume you cannot.

HOWEVER, as we know you can become another or other people; meaning that we know 100% you CAN be in other Guilds under other Persona's (your other personas or people who you've stolen identity from.)

So I think the short answer is YES? I hope. :D

The Akashic Records

12/29/2015 10:45:30 PM #3

I imagine guild membership wouldn't be limited because at its core it is meant to provide a social structure for players to belong to. To mechanically limit the amount of people a person could interact with would be silly in my opinion. The amount of guilds one can be a part of should be up to both the individual and the guilds who take them in. I can understand the necessity of guilds to require their members not be part of another guild for conflict of interest reasons. So leave it up to the players I say.

12/29/2015 10:50:12 PM #4

Well if we look at guilds as trade establishments it makes sense to be in multiple guilds if you have multiple trade interests. If you want to contribute to research and knowledge on a range of topics, that does seem a sensible action.

Afterall look at real world examples. I am a memeber of the Institution of Civil Engineers, a modern guild as it were, they do not ban me from joining any other proffesional body. I am also an affiated member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health. Complimentry institutions. They actually benefit from members being part of other institutions because you can share that knowledge of other areas.

While being a memeber of a competeing guild may well be banned by the guild charter, I think it would be a very foolish guild that prevented members joining complimetry establishments.

Author of the Elyria Echo the first, and least up-to-date, CoE fan site.

12/29/2015 11:11:08 PM #5

I think PvP my restrict this. I know in Archage age there were spies every where..Guilds wanted pictures on your character login sheet just to make sure..If you have guild and you know your rival will try to send spies(Looking at the forum with already have many of these types of guilds) you might want to block access to other guilds are a requirement. To answer your question though. I'm sure the game would allow it.

12/29/2015 11:31:34 PM #6

Well you got me thinking, and yes, it hurt. Is the Guild Membership tied to your soul so that the membership will carry over from lifetime to lifetime? What happens after a perma-death, will you still be tied to that Guild? Lets say after a perma-death you take want to persue a different profession? Will you have to officially leave the first one, or just join another? Say I was an explorer that spent One lifetime learning to Fight, and my second lifetime learning to Carivan, and maybe a 3rd Diplomacy all to make the character I want? I can see me being in multiple Guilds.

I would really love to hear an explanation of how this system may work. I can see the need/want to join more than one guild at a time, however I would put a low limit the number, say no more than 3 (1-Social(RP) / 2-Expertise/Job).

"Count Eldric Blackmoore of The Haven, offering direct support for the Hunters, Explorers and Gathers of Elyria" the

12/30/2015 12:18:29 AM #7

I wonder if that is really a way to stop spies. Even if they are only in your guild they can still sell to the other guilds if that is their aim. They do not need to be in both. I think a more pragmatic approach would be better, getting to know people, protecting your secrets from newcommers until they have proven themselves. Perhaps watching those you are suspicious of!

I think there are great benefits, as explained above, to allowing people into more than one guild and I am not sure that restrictions will really combat any spying problem. However, I agree it should be up to the guild and not restricted by the game. When you join a guild you should sign a contract of membership that sets out optional 'features' and 'requirements', you can of course break it like any other but there would be consequences.

Author of the Elyria Echo the first, and least up-to-date, CoE fan site.

12/30/2015 12:41:59 AM #8

I think there two different things here.

Victoria is talking about Guilds as professional guilds (like build of blacksmith, etc.) which are the guilds that will exist in CoE.

While OP and you are talking about guilds as they exist in other MMOs, this might be Organizations in CoE, or something similar, but not guilds.

12/30/2015 12:52:30 AM #9

Well Caspian did mention Guild vs Guild in another post... though that could be more subterfuge than all out war. And to be fair that mention was litterally those words with no additional information. Hopefully it will be the next DJ though!

Author of the Elyria Echo the first, and least up-to-date, CoE fan site.

12/30/2015 12:56:15 AM #10

Wait, are you trying to say redefining a common term to mean something different, and then using a different term for that first thing actually causes confusion and semantic arguments!? NEVER!

12/30/2015 1:21:23 AM #11

Well, you gotta take into account the fact that the current concept of a guild in MMORPG's is rather weird. They no longer are anything close to the original guilds (which Rhaegys & Victoria are refering to).

In a major city during the Middle Ages, there could be as many as 100 different guilds. Examples include weavers, dyers, armorers, bookbinders, painters, masons, bakers, leatherworkers, embroiderers, cobblers (shoemakers), and candlemakers. These were called craft guilds. There also were merchant guilds. Etc.

“Must I undertake to prove that the slave is a man? That point is conceded already. Nobody doubts it. How should I look today, in the presence of you, dividing, and subdividing a discourse, to show that men have a natural right to freedom? To do so, would be to make myself ridiculous, and to offer an insult to your understanding.” - Paul Gilroy

12/30/2015 1:42:18 AM #12

I guess I was just thinking more npc guilds. If your job is a blacksmith what reason is there for you to join a warriors guild?

Guilds in games now days are really weird. Just look at the 5 guilds you can join for elder scrolls online, there mostly just social guilds that serve no purpose other than to talk to each other and do bosses.

12/30/2015 9:46:01 AM #13

I can't imagine Guild would be tied to your soul. I doubt very much is actually tied to your soul. Even if you want to keep your belongings (if they're not stolen?) you need to will them... I really think it's only innate stuff that is tied to your soul... DEEP powerful game-changing stuff. That's my take. XD

The Akashic Records

12/30/2015 1:31:19 PM #14

While perhaps such distinct changes do not make sense. If you work as a blacksmith you are likely to specialise in something. Perhaps, using the example from the developer journals, you specialise as a swordsmith. Now that does require blacksmithing for the blade, but it also requires carpentry for the handle. Perhaps being part of both of those guilds would be beneficial?

Author of the Elyria Echo the first, and least up-to-date, CoE fan site.

12/30/2015 2:18:17 PM #15

I may be wrong, but seeing as there are a lot of contract-based mechanics in this game, it would appear logical to assume that guild membership may also be contract based. If so, then one could assume that in this contract there may be terms of exclusive membership, for close-knit organisations which require entire devotion, and other non-exclusive organisation which would not bind oneself to its cause, for instance; a Baker's Guild which just provides a nationally respected standard quality for baking, organises events for like-minded bakers in guild halls and provides a hub for communication and integration among bakers to maximise profit.

To further the idea of a non-exclusive guild, one could imagine a scenario where an Information Broker's Guild could exist where secrecy is key and 'involvement' in other guilds is crucial for gaining items of valuable information. I guess this contract would be in their super-hidden section of their house! That is, if I'm correct in thinking they will be contract based. This would of course use non-exclusive terms of membership and enable membership in other guilds.

For realism, it would make sense when there is a crafting guild with some kind of monthly payment of coin so they can benefit from its convenience and such, which I guess could be a term of membership in said contract. For a more exclusive guild, I guess it would be a "In signing this document, you acknowledge that you will be a solider within [Military Guild] and that you may die or sustain serious injuries...blah...blah", just sign here so we can send you on suicide missions - sort of thing.

I hope you get my drift and I hope those who have vigorously scoured the Journals could correct me or shed some authenticity. I think this would make sense if we are talking about realism.

Another thought; perhaps different identities would play into someone being in and breaching the terms of two exclusive guilds?