Red Hat Deviant Agency

Red Hat Deviant Agency

Here in Elyria to serve all of your deviant needs. - NA EAST Server

Hi. My name is Raymond. If you are interested in employing a Red Hat Agent, then allow me to ensure you that any kind of contact is kept confidential. Assuming you follow proper protocol, everything between the first thought of what you want to have done and the last thought of everything that has been done remains confidential between you and me.


Red Hat is willing to take on all forms of deviancy, excluding a few things. The Agency does not deal in poaching, it does not deal in human trafficking, and it absolutely does not deal with rape. Here at Red Hat, we do not find it respectful to target those that can not properly protect themselves. We love a good challenge and respect and reward those who overcome such challenges.

Other than that, arson, theft, assassination, smuggling, and whatever else is perfectly fine with us. So, let me explain how it works.

You contact me or one of our handlers through private message. Do not make the mistake of making yourself known in Red Hat’s Discord. It’s just not smart.

You will provide me or one of the aforementioned handlers with a task and a payment offer, which will be negotiated according to the task and all it would entail. Once a compensation agreement has been agreed upon, your task will be carried out and completed. Afterward, you compensate us for completing the task, assuming you don’t pay us at the start. If you do not pay after the task is complete, you die.

The payment will go to and only to the person you made the agreement with. Distribution of funds within the agency will be taken care of from there.


This covers most of the conventional services. Smuggling or just moving something from person A to person B is taken rather more seriously. If persons A or B decide to double cross the other, then we simply kill both persons A and B. It keeps things honest and loyal. Now, whatever the hell persons A and B do after my people are paid is completely up to them. However, if my people are put into a vulnerable position because someone decided to get greedy or stab someone in the back or plan a capture of Red Hat Agents, then I will do whatever it takes to ensure that whoever is responsible is put into a hole and not given the escape of death.


Assassination is a tricky business in Elyria. I have found Elyrians rather... stubborn when it comes to quickly living. Realizing this, I have split assassination into two types of contracts. Single Attempt and Repeated Attempt.

Single Attempt:

Single attempt contracts are for when you simply wish to get a point across. Red Hat will find a way to shiv that sucker into a ditch and bolt back to the dance floor in time for a good glass of blue wine.

If the guy actually passes on, then there's a bonus for you. This contract can only be made once every five weeks from the same person if they are targeting the same target. Different targets or different customers do not have to worry about this rule.

Repeated Attempts:

For when someone really, really messed up your day. It's pretty much as it says, we repeat the attempt until the bloke finally gets the message. If you know what I mean? Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. Red Hat can't just keep sitting there, stabbing the guy, day after day, so we put in a decent amount of time between attempts. The time goes from a month to a week, depending how much we are paid.

Payment for Assassination:

Assassination is such a big deal. It has the power to knock over the dynasty domino set, so one would expect it may be expensive.

For Single Attempt there is standard amount for the commoner. However, a set amount is increased for every noble rank until we find your target on the nobility food chain. Let's say it's a hypothetical thirty gold increase and your target is a duke. That's 90 gold extra. You'll pay us once the contract has been completed.

For Repeated Attempts, it's the same deal, except with an added time between attempts. The Timer is standardly set for five weeks, but that can change from 5 to 4 or 5 to 3 or 5 to 1 in a heartbeat with the proper payment. Of course, each week knocked off results in a higher payment. Payment is given after each attempt. If payment is not given, the attempts stop along with a few other things... Please be sure to notify Red Hat when you wish to stop the attempts.

Assassination Protection:

Red Hat agents are, of course, protected from assassination contracts passed through Red Hat, along with the benefactors, investments, and ongoing contract customers that make Red Hat the dream business it is.

I would like to give many the opportunity to have that protection as well. Because your life is very valuable to all involved here.

Anyone can put a "bid" on their life through Red Hat. This can very well protect you from assassination attempts! Any commoner or noble can place an amount of coin on the protection of their life.

For example, let's say Sally is a noble from Blackheart. She goes to a Red Hat handler and offers an amount of 500 gold for assassination protection. In this hypothetical moment, no money is being given. Just a slip of paper with a name, her rank, and her protection amount. Sally goes along her way and the paper goes to our record stores.

One day, Billy comes around and offers the price of 300 gold for the assassination attempt on Ms. Sally's life. The offer is sent up to our handler, who checks the records to see if Sally put up protection, which she did. The offer is denied and Billy goes away with a sore tush. Red Hat then notifies Sally that someone attempted to put up a contract on her life and ask for the payment of 250 gold (half of her protection bid). If Sally pays, we all laugh about it and enjoy life. If she does not, the protection is void and Sally is no longer able to put up protection.

Then Colt (or maybe Billy with a higher offer) goes to the handler one day and offers 700 gold for the assassination attempt of Sally. Well, the offer is higher than the protection, so we move forward with that contract.

Any person can remove their bid if they wish to not have that extra layer of protection...

Red Hat Protection:

A good way to also be protected from assassination contracts is to be an ongoing customer. You will practically be immune. The.. best way, though not the cheapest, is to hire Red Hats for your personal protection. Body Guards. Mercenary work. Whatever you want to call it. However, such a thing is not cheap and it requires payment each week after a deal has been made. Such a deal would require at least 10 agents and a non negotiable amount of pay per week.

Failure to pay would result in the extraction of my agents and perhaps the extraction of the customer's life. So, once again, if you wish to conclude business, please inform Red Hat before a pay date arrives.

Working for Red Hat:

Now, let’s talk about something we can all get on board with. Getting paid. If you want to make a steady, growing profit in the line of deviant work, then look no further than Red Hat. You could go freelance, but that doesn’t always guarantee a contract whenever you want one.

Contracts - Certain contracts will reach certain agents, depending on their profile. However, every agent will have the opportunity to accept any kind of contract. Assassination, theft, whatever. Contracts are the more immediate way of getting jobs and the agent is given more than a fair share of the negotiated profit once completed. We try to aim for 60% or 70%. Either you do or we go after the person who didn’t pay us.

Fences - Fences are wonderful, aren’t they? These are trusted merchants that have no problem buying hot property. Naturally, I do not expect thieves to wait around for the next contract. In fact, I encourage you to go out and grow your deviancy. Just respect yourself when you’re out there.

Suppliers and Safe Houses - The common baker by day, poisonous alchemist by night. We will encourage many to aid our agents with supplies and safe residences.

Jailed? - No problem. As long as it isn’t a reoccurring problem, Red Hat will attempt to break you out of jail and bring you back home.

The Dance Floor - Our main base and your home away from home.

Red Hat can be considered extended family. I think of it as family, honestly. I know I say that loyalty is only true for those with the upper hand, but loyalty among family is something one should always value more than anything else. Therefore, if anyone harms my family, then I will feel obligated to deliver a return. Red Hat’s safety is and will always be my priority concern.

Overall though, we aim to have fun. What is the thrill of deviance without that spark of excitement? If you think that working with Red Hat is right for you, then join here: Red Hat Deviant Agency

Raymond Reddington. Criminal and Business Investor.

Dearest Darling. I'm coming for you.

9/19/2016 3:00:58 PM #1

Sounds like a good idea, you'll have a lot of competition when it comes to assassination and similar dark deeds if the forums are anything to go by. :)

My only criticism is perhaps you could look at finding a red hat icon more fitting to a medieval environment? A trilby is just a liiiiittle out of the timeline. ;)

9/19/2016 3:12:19 PM #2

Thank you for noticing the difference between a trilby and a fedora, Mr. Barghest. You have my respect. As correct you are indeed, I just love the style. Believe me, one of the first things I will do is make sure that style gets to Elyria quickly.

Raymond Reddington. Criminal and Business Investor.

Dearest Darling. I'm coming for you.

9/19/2016 4:07:04 PM #3

Sounds great! Good luck!

ref This game was a dream. Its dead now.

9/19/2016 4:26:11 PM #4

Why thank you. I look forward to stealing from you or working with you in the future. ;)

Raymond Reddington. Criminal and Business Investor.

Dearest Darling. I'm coming for you.

10/9/2016 12:17:07 AM #5

Updated to explain services and cross server crime.

Raymond Reddington. Criminal and Business Investor.

Dearest Darling. I'm coming for you.

10/13/2016 6:06:08 AM #6

glory bump

Do You Think God Stays in Heaven Because He too Lives in Fear of What He's Created

10/13/2016 6:31:43 AM #7

solid project man. well thought and organized. " If you do not pay after the task is complete, you die." that is hilarious tho lol

10/17/2016 5:12:20 AM #8

Aww, the complements are great. Your assassination will be quick.

Raymond Reddington. Criminal and Business Investor.

Dearest Darling. I'm coming for you.

10/18/2016 6:18:49 AM #9

Well hello ;)

10/18/2016 2:30:49 PM #10

Well that's interesting.

10/18/2016 2:40:44 PM #11

Contract for grabs.

My client, who wishes to be known as "Mr Squeamish" has an aversion to blood, but wishes to put a contract on a "Mr Raymond Redhat". He offers 20 gold pieces for a head complete with a red hat.


12/19/2016 9:14:37 PM #12

Red Hat is now an NA EAST organization.

Raymond Reddington. Criminal and Business Investor.

Dearest Darling. I'm coming for you.

2/10/2017 5:56:02 AM #13

I like the idea and the proposed organization. In reading and thinking about what i'd want to do as a character in this game criminal/bounty hunter type immediately came to mind.

The more i read the more im thinking of organizations in crime as really organized crime....the RPGers in us immediately think thieves guild where in reality they were probably familial organizations. Kids were trained to be criminals and follow in their family "business"

3/17/2017 2:02:50 AM #14

Revived to avenge. Remaining to make a point.

Dearest Darling - You can run and hide, but after keeping me from playing with a friend, you're end will be ever assured.

Raymond Reddington. Criminal and Business Investor.

Dearest Darling. I'm coming for you.

9/22/2017 3:00:38 AM #15

I went to this guilds discord but it seems kinda dead. Message me if you interested in joining an organization of this type.