Land selection

Hey so I've been re-watching the old Q&As to get ready for tomorrow, I noticed something though. In the settlements Q&A Caspian estimates that land selection will take place in late spring. Now that it just turned spring in the northern hemisphere I just realized how close that is.

I just want to know if; 1. Late spring is still on or has that been changed? 2. Will we get to see what the continents look like for each server? 3. AND will kingdom biomes be locked after?

Thanks that's it

3/29/2017 6:06:53 AM #1

I'm hoping for land selection sometime in June. (No basis for that.)

3/29/2017 6:32:09 AM #2

If i'm not mistaken there has been no mention of time-frames of land selection since the late spring comment that was made not to long ago, so id assume that's still the goal time period. I do think that we will get to see a basic shape of the land/continent, however i have no idea about what their plans are for locking biomes and or resources.

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3/29/2017 10:36:11 AM #3

SBS is currently working on continent generation, which includes the placement of biomes. Once continent generation is complete, land selection will happen. I assume that players will get some kind of general overview of the location, climate, and resources available in each land, but I don't know what format that information will be released in.

Shieldwall Strong!

3/29/2017 12:31:42 PM #4

Just to make it clear, land selection will happen only on Exposition. Now we will have server and settlement selection, in order of your title (baron/mayor+). June is a good guess thought. If you are Gentry, you will need to wait until Exposition to choose your lands.

3/29/2017 12:41:40 PM #5

My birthday is June 20, technically the last day of spring... Can I go first? If not, may I be able to choose in accordance with the current land selection policy?