Limitations to city planning?

Will there be certain limitations to city planning or could it happen that a "crazy" aristocrat/noble ruins the typical medieval/fantasy look we expect from villages/towns/cities?

Duke of Dugh Kahldur

6/27/2016 1:48:28 PM #1

Well, there's a set techology cap that the world has during the time a city is built, so they can't build outside the research done already. Generally the cap is based off the local construction workers and such - whatever they can and can't build. Other than that, generally you can build how you choose, so long as the land is yours.

6/29/2016 7:08:00 PM #2

there will be different types of materials we can use and it will affect the look of the buildings too. so you could have all wood, stone, marble, etc. Also i believe architects can do more rooms, floors, but also designs the higher in skill level they go. assuming they have the right technology also

Everyone wants to be a beast, until it's time to do what beasts do.

10/9/2016 9:48:35 PM #3

I am a bit concerned about this as well, simply due to the fact that even if the detailing of the individual buildings is in keeping with medieval or renaissance architecture, the way the city as a whole is constructed can be very much in keeping with tradition, or more of a modern concept of city planning.

In cities today, we utilize zoning laws, such as that the offices go in one place, residential in another, civic in another, and so on.

This is very different from cities previous to the 19th century, as they were typically constructed in a format of cells (neighborhoods), with each cell having what it needed to be self sufficient within easy walking distance for all the residents, and then connected to other cells.

These two ways of city planning have a completely different feel and I think will greatly effect the gaming experience for the people in those towns or cities. So I am a bit curious how the city planning will be handled in game, and how much freedom those planning will have.

I am also a bit curious about city planning and architecture as skills, and how that will work. With a craft such as blacksmithing or carpentry, I can see how the game might handle improvement of skill, but with architecture, I am not so sure how that will work...

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