Gay marriage

So starting from the premise that all social mechanics will be exclusively ran by players by means of implicit contracts dictating the laws of the land, there will inevitably be a point in which someone, out of curiosity to see how the devs handle the situation or even actually out of honest genuine intention, will want the option to marry someone of the same sex and someone in a position of power will grant it. Faced with this issue, how do the developers address it? 1. They can deny same sex marriage altogether, which results in two obvious problems, namely first being a bit hypocritical into taking the power away from their players which is contradictory to the idea of sandbox they're trying to create, and the second which would be the PR nightmare that would follow. 2. Allow it, which would be nice and all, but obviously desperately screams for the implementation of adoption (which again should be a thing based on the criteria that a true sandbox should give players this sort of freedom). Now I know that this subject's been tackled before, and I might be wrong, since I only fiddled around for a few minutes, but from what I gathered, it was shrugged off and denied due to the obvious design flaw of the ward option becoming imbalanced. Now to be very honest, I believe that that's simply a lazy response. I know the devs have grown quite attached to what looks like is going to be an amazing design. But a sandbox needs (more) flexibility. There are multiple answers to this. Such as the ward option only being available when there are also enough children in families (which I am aware is restrictive in itself, which still contradicts, at least to some degree the virtues of the sandbox, but I feel that what it takes away in terms of liberty when it comes to char creation, it compensates in terms of gameplay, namely the freedom of letting players marry chars of the same sex and adopt, not to mention the jobs of the policy makers regarding this. Since it is one thing as a developer to restrict gay marriage and adoption altogether which could obviously result in pointing fingers, and another if the players inside the game wrote their characters with some creative license to make for some really interesting debates between the policy makers of the land, including on the issues of gay marriage and adoption.) It wouldn't make any sense either if MOST people simply chose ward to being born in a family, it would simply not be realistic to have a huge percentage of child abandon rate. Sorry in advance if the post seems too rant-like in nature or criticizing the development team, that was far from my intention.


10/14/2015 2:07:24 AM #1

Marriage is a function of the contract system. And same sex marriage is already confirmed. Also, children can be the product of contracts. So, a same sex couple can still have kids, but would use a surrogate. No need for adoption.

10/14/2015 5:26:11 AM #2

Deffcon is pretty much correct.

Same-Sex Marriage is allowed.



10/14/2015 1:39:41 PM #3

This is awesome. Very awesome. Yay.

10/17/2015 3:30:54 AM #4

ummm...hang on. So you're telling me that an essentially medieval society has artificial insemination and sperm donation? Sorry if I don't buy that. I would totally believe though that the adoption part would happen offstage (just like the whole sex and birth thing does). I mean, it generally happens before the playable age anyway so that would make a lot of sense.

10/17/2015 3:31:27 AM #5

The question though was about kids, and how this would interact with the Ward of the State mechanic. Any thoughts?

10/17/2015 5:42:27 AM #6

One thing i didnt get: why wouldnt the same sex couple not be able to adopt a ward of the state? If they have a house and wealth that is enough for raising a child, why wouldnt they? True that the genetic traits wouldnt be passed down, but maybe some of the family traits would (in a more learning family business way). Thus could even work for people that wanna be in X family but want trait and skill independency from them no?

Also, surrogate doesnt need bank or sperm donation. You just need a friendly neighbour girl willing to help you out ahahaha

Actually i can even see this as a thing even in normal couples. Talent hunting for mothers to breed some different skills into the family hehe

10/17/2015 1:18:08 PM #7

I think the lack of adoption for wards is a good idea. It prevents abuse of the system. Wards get more customization and can specialize their skills easier because they basically get to pick their skill ramps. Also, you wouldn't get a child code, nor would you be able to lock an adopted kid. I think adoption of wards is a bad idea.

10/17/2015 2:27:05 PM #8

No! it saying that you will hire someone to have sex with to have your children.

10/20/2015 2:25:33 PM #9

Now come to think of it, who the hell wants to adopt a kid 12+? Not many people. I think adoption would be fair solely in the case if you would.. pick ward..? and then have the option to say hey yo I wanna be adopted..? (which would obviously be just like picking a family,just with an extra topping of silliness and counter intuitiveness for the sake of role playing) mechanically translating to exactly the same system, if not worse, either letting you directly inherit what you adoptive parents in terms of nature have or just getting random stats and getting their skills in terms of nurture. Again, silly.

10/20/2015 3:41:44 PM #10

The problem with that is if you chose to be a ward you are forgoing the benefits of a family to gain flexibility on creating your character. If now you allow a ward to be adopted into a family you are "breaking" the balance and giving the ward also the benefits of a big family.

10/20/2015 9:49:27 PM #11

I mentioned the issue and possible solutions, possibly in the adoption thread or something, don't quite remember. Anyway, maybe you misunderstood me, what I said is that if the devs DO allow adoption, the only way it would be balanced would be with randomized stats (or inherited) AND inherited skills (because nobody would adopt a 12 y.o.) Which would be the same thing as choosing a family. So there would be no mechanical reason to do it, just from a RP perspective.

5/11/2016 3:09:15 PM #12

I don't think anyone said anything about artificial insemination. They said there would be a contract with a surrogate. You either have to get a turkey baster or do it the old fashioned way.

Count Iryano