Very disappointed in the handling of stretch goals

Why were they not thought out of ahead of the Kick-started? Why was there a poll if the very next day you decided to just make your own list? Why were the two most popular features in said poll moved to the back? All of these things are making me question whether or not SS has the ability to in fact make the game in the given time frame, or at all for that matter.

5/16/2016 1:39:51 AM #1

The answers you seek are in the lengthy KS update that preceded the unveiling of the list.

FWIW, I was KS Backer #21 and wanted nothing but the best for this game.

5/16/2016 1:40:19 AM #2

Literally all of those questions were answered in the blog post, dude.

5/16/2016 1:40:32 AM #3

I have to agree with you.

I would have liked to see one of the top 3 in one of the first three goals.


5/16/2016 1:41:01 AM #4

I think alot of people just scrolled down to the list without reading.

Attention!! Champions of the Light click this LINK. The Glory of the Light awaits you! ]

5/16/2016 1:44:16 AM #5

I guarantee they did.

And now the forums are flooded with people who have no idea why they ordered them like they did.

5/16/2016 1:47:00 AM #6

I think Caspian explained why the stretch goals were placed in the order and amounts quite well in the KS update.

5/16/2016 1:49:06 AM #7

Said at the very beginning of the blog post. Maybe people don't read and only like to skim.

"Before we reveal them though, I wanted to take a moment to explain the logic and rationale behind the ordering of the stretch goals. Why? Because I believe there will be some concern about the ordering and I wanted an opportunity to address those concerns before people see the list. So here goes..."

5/16/2016 1:50:16 AM #8


Anyone who reads these posts, pls just go back and read thru the KS update. Pick anyone of your favorite stretch goals that you think got misplaced and I assure you Caspian explained why it got placed where it did.

Attention!! Champions of the Light click this LINK. The Glory of the Light awaits you! ]

5/16/2016 1:53:53 AM #9

If I could influence the devs, I would ask them to just put all the funds into current development and have no stretch goals at all.

Let's get this game rolling! All kinds of stuff can be added later.

First and foremost it is imperative that the devs follow their vision. Any game developer that changes their vision too much lose THEIR enthusiasm for the game.

This is their baby. They want to include us as much as possible but we have to be careful not to appear to be spoiled children when we don't get everything we wish for. Have patience. I believe that all things will come in due time.

5/16/2016 1:54:50 AM #10

Before complaining and jumping to conclusions people really should read the whole update post. It is explained quite clearly why things are ordered the way they are ordered.

5/16/2016 1:54:59 AM #11

People were asked if they wanted input or not. It was explained beforehand that Soulbound would take the list into consideration but would make the final decision. This is what a final decision looks like. We're lucky there's such a lot of transparency there.

While I'm sure we, and Soulbound, would love to be able to pile in everything on that list and more besides, real world considerations have to take precedence, or there will be no game at all, or at the very least, a mangled trainwreck.

I voted for tunneling. It's still on the list. I have faith that if the game launches well and brings in all the basic Kickstarter package offers, it will be very successful and all those wonderful future-goals will eventually be brought in.

5/16/2016 1:56:26 AM #12

I think the problem is people misunderstood the point of the poll. It wasn't an election of what would be the stretch goal order, it's a poll so that developers can assess interest only to then build a proper stretch goal list that takes into account viability of having multiple features at the same time, costs, among other things. Note almost all of the top voted items are still there, just the order is different, the poll results were considered.

5/16/2016 1:56:36 AM #13

Your sig is corny!

5/16/2016 2:04:27 AM #14

Even if you read the explanation you can still disagree. Their logic makes sense, but so does the logic that says, "More people voted for this, let's get it into the game before the things we ourselves have decided is more important." I mean, they did do a poll to find out what people wanted after all. Should actually use that information.

5/16/2016 2:07:05 AM #15

So you're saying that the general public is more qualified to handle the allocation of vital development resources than the actual developers?
