Eat me!

Literally... just curious as to whether or not cannibalism will be possible.

8/13/2016 2:53:57 AM #1

Vamparism... is as close as i'v seen so far... just out of curiosity... why?.. do you want to know?

8/13/2016 3:27:30 AM #2

Seems like an interesting question but also sort of outlandish. If it is in, I figure it will be a crime. Maybe a cult can be made of disguised cannibals?

Just a guy looking for the funsies.

8/13/2016 3:41:10 AM #3

Why a cult? I think a Tribe would be better or a kingdom like having human farms

8/13/2016 4:09:34 AM #4

IIRC we asked Caspian about this in IRC and we were told no cannabilism.

8/13/2016 4:32:28 AM #5

Quite a few reasons, curiousity mostly. For one thing it's about how different Elerians (they are called Elerians and not Humans right?) are from animals in the game, you can harvest the bones, meat, organs and skin of nearly any animal in the game as far as I know, should Elerians be any different? Of course there would be repercussions for doing so... people don't typically take kindly to being on the menu and there are quite a few diseases that could be contrasted. It could create some interesting stories...

You and your dearest friend have become lost in the mountains without food... your friend dies and a meal could be the difference between your death and survival...

You've been captured by a cannibal tribe...

The kind old lady at the inn gives you a delicious pot pie... neglecting to mention that hours before it had been her husband.

As your final task to become an immortal lich you must devour the hearts of eight orphans... without milk!

8/13/2016 8:40:09 AM #6

Posted By Kirvin at 5:09 AM - Sat Aug 13 2016

IIRC we asked Caspian about this in IRC and we were told no cannibalism

I'm so relieved to read this.

Penny for the bard

8/13/2016 8:42:49 AM #7

Another "taboo" thing that has been discussed if anyone's curious. We were also told that there wouldn't be anything preventing incest, however it might not be desirable for some reason (wasn't specific why).

8/13/2016 9:12:09 AM #8

@Kirvin: Probably the same reasons as in reality. You stagnate your genes and certain less than desirable traits become magnified in its probability in being expressed. If you walk into a town full of people with 1 more digit on their hands than everyone else in the world, you'd know what they were doing.

If the design of the game ever changes to allow cannibalism it should come with all the same diseases as cannibalizing in reality. (i.e. Mad Cow Disease or the Mann equivalent of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, kuru, etc.)