Anyone else find it extremely unfair that BW (bycuckle) gets to have interviews with devs, yet others cannot?
When we first announced development of CoE, BicycleWalrus and the good folks at DM21 Gaming approached us and asked to do QA's with us to discuss the stuff we were working on. We happily agreed, as they were both friendly and, like us, were struggling to find their place in a crowded market.
Since then, we've had a few people ask us to do interviews via YouTube, print, and online publications, and in most cases we've agreed. However, our "free time" has grown significantly less as of late, as our time and resources are no longer the only things on the line.
Indeed, we're accountable to every Kickstarter backer who put their faith in us to finish the game. That means being more cognizant of how we spend our time - including whether we take time out to do interviews.
You'll notice that, as of late, we haven't been doing interviews with anyone - including DM21 Gaming. It's nothing personal, to you, or anyone else, and DM21 Gaming has never complained that we've been unavailable to be on their show.
That said, YouTubers, streamers, etc. who resort to name-calling will never see us on their show.
I find BW to be extremely boring and irritating, and I'd like to see smarter and less self-centered youtubers be allowed to have itnerviews with devs and produce CoE content.
Your opinion of BW is irrelevant, and has no barring on whether we take time out, away from development, to do interviews.
Its harder for other youtubers to generate content when they are not given the newest info and 'exclusives' to generate interest in their channel, it'd mostly just be making reaction videos to things the chosen one has already put out.
DM21 Gaming was given exclusive access to content only once that I can recall, during a live panel, and that was the concept art of the Breaking. In all other cases, DM21 Gaming has spent time providing their thoughts and opinions on already published material.
So what's the underlying take-away? Think more about what you can do to help spread awareness of CoE, and less on what we can do to help increase your follower counts. We enjoy being on shows - all shows, not just DM21 Gaming, and when we get to the point we feel comfortable taking time out to do so, we'll solicit shows you'd like to see us on.