[EU/Arkadia] County of Beaulieu

English version

Nestled at the foot of the mountains sits the county of Beaulieu, a soft valley where life is pleasant.

The nature here is generous, offering its bounty to anyone willing to get their hands dirty. Although in this soil one need only plant some seeds and reap plentiful harvests a few months later, farming is a most rewarding task.

Since nature chose to spread her blessings over these lands, replenishing them is a show of respect; lest the gods take offence if people came to despise working the land. This is the philosophy of Ruathan family.

Everybody in Arkadia knows of the beautiful rows of pine trees which line the roads of Beaulieu, the fine regional cuisine; and who has never dreamt of offering his beloved an orchid from the county’s gardens, a symbol of love and seduction.

In these lands, agriculture and respect for its fruit have been raised to an art form

Fields of wheat, corn and barley extend as far as the eye can see. The crops they produce are used in cooking, as fodder for livestock and for the brewing of fermented beverages..

Indeed, the county is not only known for its work of the ground but also for its important breedings, carefully selected to have the best possible ingredients

To make continue these traditions and to push even farther this expertise of the excellence, the County of Beaulieu welcomes all the farmers, the breeders and the cooks trying to refine their crafts, their art

But not only that, if the best cooking requires the best ingredients and the best chefs, it also needs the best tools .... And also defensors... We are peaceful people, but we know that the world is not. And our fields, our breedings, our silos could inflame passions. Certainly our defenders will not necessarily boast of living the most epic battles, but we shall make sure they will enjoy dishes much finer than the common of the soldiers.

More specifically, I want to develop different "schools" in my county. The first one would be necessarily a cooking school. A place where every student can practice or experiment at leisure his culinary art. In return, he will share his discoveries and experiences with other members of the school.

Concerning the farming and livestock, I would create a specialized market for exchange seeds and animals and thus allow to improve our crops and livestock.

10/13/2016 5:21:49 PM #1

Version française

Blotti au pied des montagnes, le comté de Beaulieu est une douce vallée où il fait bon vivre. La nature, ici, y est généreuse offrant ses bienfaits à toutes les personnes de bonne volonté et ne rechignant pas à l’effort.

Bien qu'il suffisse d'y planter quelques graines pour voir s'y épanouir d'abondantes cultures quelques mois plus tard, travailler la terre est avant tout une vocation. Il serait donc mal vu par les dieux que de mépriser le dur labeur du sol.

De ce fait, puisque la nature a choisi de bénir ces lieux de ses bienfaits, il parait juste de lui rendre hommage en la sublimant au possible. Tel est le maître mot de la famille Ruathan. Tout le monde en Arkadia connaît la beauté des rangées de pins longeant les routes de Beaulieu, la finesse des mets de la région et qui n’a jamais rêver d’offrir à sa bien aimée une orchidée des jardins comtaux, symbole d'amour et de séduction.

En somme, la culture de la terre et le respect de ses fruits sont, en ces terres, un véritable art.

Les champs de blé, maïs et orge s'étendent à perte de vue dans le comté. Ils servent pour les préparations alimentaires, de fourrages pour les élevages ainsi que pour la production de boissons fermentées.

En effet, le comté est non seulement connu pour son travail de la terre mais également pour ses élevages importants, soigneusement sélectionnés afin d’avoir les meilleurs ingrédients possibles.

Afin de faire perdurer ces traditions et pousser encore plus loin cette expertise de l'excellence, le Comté de Beaulieu accueille tous les fermiers, éleveurs et cuisiniers cherchant à affiner leur artisanat, leur art.

Mais pas seulement. Si la meilleure cuisine nécessite les meilleurs ingrédients et les meilleurs chefs, elle a aussi besoin des meilleurs outils…. Et aussi de protecteurs… Nous sommes des gens pacifiques mais nous savons que le monde ne l’est pas. Et nos champs, nos élevages, nos silos attisent les convoitises. Certes nos défenseurs ne pourront pas forcément se targuer de vivre les batailles les plus épiques, mais nous nous assurerons qu’ils goûteront des mets bien plus fins que le commun des soldats.

Plus spécifiquement, je souhaite développer différentes “écoles” au sein de mon comté. La première serait forcément une école de cuisine. Un lieu où chaque élève pourrait s’entraîner ou expérimenter à loisir son art culinaire. En contrepartie, il devra partager ses découvertes et son expérience auprès des autres membres de l’école.

Concernant l’agriculture et l’élevage, je voudrais créer un marché spécialisé pour échanger les semences et les animaux et ainsi, permettre d’améliorer nos cultures et nos élevages.

10/14/2016 3:27:03 AM #2

Looks like a wonderful and peaceful place to be dear Countess Lessa.

10/15/2016 1:58:59 AM #3

Nice description! Will Your county be english or french speaking?

Life is too short to play bad games.

10/15/2016 1:03:06 PM #4

Thanks Costanius :)

My county will be english speaking, i don't think that it's possible to have french speaking only county.

10/18/2016 6:24:44 PM #5

You will be a little far from my lands beeing in another duchy... Will you send me cakes by Mail?

10/18/2016 6:27:18 PM #6

And cookies too, please!

10/23/2016 4:44:12 PM #7

Of course, I planned to create commercial roads to supply the royal table with our food and cookies for Rofus :)

But i don't want that you become a fat king.

10/24/2016 4:36:28 PM #8

Beautiful post Asiah, very well done!

We'll have to work Raziel out hard to make sure he doesn't get fat and lazy!

10/29/2016 9:21:42 PM #9

Posted By Rojax at 6:36 PM - Mon Oct 24 2016

Beautiful post Asiah, very well done!

We'll have to work Raziel out hard to make sure he doesn't get fat and lazy!

This story aobut me getting, is crazy. I'll be running after people that don't want to pay taxes all day long :) ... I can't get fat like that.

11/17/2016 8:13:49 PM #10

Posted By Raziel at 12:21 AM - Sun Oct 30 2016

Posted By Rojax at 6:36 PM - Mon Oct 24 2016

Beautiful post Asiah, very well done!

We'll have to work Raziel out hard to make sure he doesn't get fat and lazy!

This story aobut me getting, is crazy. I'll be running after people that don't want to pay taxes all day long :) ... I can't get fat like that.

...depends on your diet. I mean, I once met a fat brewer who shifted barrels all day but ate butter all night :D

11/17/2016 8:29:33 PM #11

Beautiful post !

11/17/2016 9:07:40 PM #12

Thank you Count Astro.

And my dear king, i will do my best to create healthy and dietetic food just for you (and also for your army)

11/18/2016 7:57:24 PM #13

Posted By Asiah at 11:07 PM - Thu Nov 17 2016

Thank you Count Astro.

And my dear king, i will do my best to create healthy and dietetic food just for you (and also for your army)

A fat king is a happy king ;)

But anyway, I wish your county good luck and prosperity!

11/30/2016 6:30:11 AM #14

I will settle in the beautiful County of Beaulieu and pledge allegiance to you, Countess Lessa, and King Raziel.

12/1/2016 6:58:07 PM #15

You're very welcome Feli and i hope that you will find what you wish for on my lands.

Feel free to contact me if you want some help for your own project.