New Forum Borders & Tiers

Hey All,

Just a quick heads-up to let you know that we've adjusted the forum borders and tiers to help reduce confusion.

Forum Borders and Tiers are based on Total Influence, and can thus be upgraded either through purchases in the store, or anything else that awards Influence.

There are now 12 Tiers broken down as follows:

  • Tiers 1 (400 Influence), 2 (700 Influence), and 3 (1,000 Influence) correspond with the Adventurer Pledge Packages and have a bronze border
  • Tiers 4 (1,200 Influence), 5 (1,750 Influence), and 6 (2,250 Influence) correspond with the Gentry Pledge Packages and have a silver border
  • Tiers 7 (2,500 Influence), 8 (5,000 Influence), 9 (7,500 Influence) correspond with the Aristocracy Pledge Packages and have a silver border with additional filigree
  • Tiers 10 (10,000 Influence), 11 (50,000 Influence), and 12 (100,000 Influence) correspond with the Nobility Pledge Packages and have a silver border with gold trim and filigree.

This means that, generally speaking, you can identify whether someone is a commoner, gentry, aristocracy, or nobility simply by looking at their borders. But be advised, not everyone's in-game character title matches their border. So don't make assumptions.

3/28/2017 1:26:18 AM #1

That sexy Staff border though.

3/28/2017 1:28:36 AM #2

ooooh I'm fancy now :)

Friend Code: B8ADDD

3/28/2017 1:29:29 AM #3

Not AS fancy, but still fancy

See you at floor 100...

3/28/2017 1:31:04 AM #4

Test test, hm...not bad at all.

3/28/2017 1:32:14 AM #5

Yay there here...

And there is also the Red Flaming Boarder for the Creator of Mann :-)

Mayor of Funny Farms Inc.

3/28/2017 1:32:23 AM #6

Nice, all fancy with the silver and gold now; lookin good

3/28/2017 1:34:49 AM #7

Very sexy staff border

3/28/2017 1:36:41 AM #8

Thank you Caspian!

Next up forum avatars?

3/28/2017 1:42:43 AM #9

Oh, I'm super fancy. I still have the old border on my profile page though.

Xuerou Wyvernwood Mayoress of Imbrium Ridge Kingdom of Ashland Duchy of Fioralba

3/28/2017 1:43:59 AM #10

Better then my last border =D

Friend Code: 3316A7

3/28/2017 1:45:05 AM #11

Oooo purdy borders! Thanks! :D

~ Goody Odsbodikins, Count of the Highest State. ~
Friend Code: F41EFF

3/28/2017 1:46:27 AM #12

Hey, I'm so pretty now--!

Oh. Wait. Shit.

3/28/2017 1:46:56 AM #13

Avatars would be a nice update :)

I like the new borders though! I was about to report a bug :P

3/28/2017 2:00:16 AM #14

Hmm 5000 aristocracy ? so what about the people that bought the old count package ?

3/28/2017 2:28:20 AM #15

Posted By Natosse22 at 10:00 PM - Mon Mar 27 2017

Hmm 5000 aristocracy ? so what about the people that bought the old count package ?

As what Caspian said in his post "But be advised, not everyone's in-game character title matches their border. So don't make assumptions." So you're still a count, just your border is based on EP. Nothing to worry about. :D

P.S. Thank you for the notification Caspian.


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