Hrothi and Brudvir Live Read

Rather than spam the forums with each individually, as they were published, I thought people might appreciate both going into the same forum thread, so here we are.

Each time a Tribes information drop goes out, I intend to do a live reading of it, going through the information line by line and adding commentary as I go.

This time around we go through both the Hrothi and the Brudvir. You can watch each of these Live Reads by using the links below! I hope you enjoy them, and find them useful.

Hrothi Live Read

Brudvir Live Read

6/10/2017 9:58:26 PM #1

Cool stuff!

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6/10/2017 11:27:28 PM #2

Great videos, Morbis. I've been enjoying these little reads.

6/11/2017 2:30:29 PM #3

Only saw the Brudvir one so far. And I fully agree. I feel this write up was rushed because it was released so close to the Q&A. I like that your doing this and sharing your opinions on the write ups. One quibble however. Spend a little less time on pointing out the grammar mistakes. Yeah, I see them as well but I really don't care all that much as long as the information given is understandable. It seemed that you were spending almost as much time pointing out the grammar mistakes as going over the material. I am watching your videos for your thoughts and ideas and not a English lesson. When you point out all the mistakes my interest in the video grinds to a halt.

Otherwise, I enjoyed watching it. Keep em coming. :)

6/11/2017 5:18:27 PM #4

Yeah, I noticed I was doing it too much during the Brudvir reading as I was going on. It was mostly because of how well written the other two are in comparison. I don't think I ever mention it in the Neran and Hrothi ones.

Probably would of been better to just wait until the very end and mention that I found it rushed, rather than touch on it multiple times during the reading.

The dangers of doing it live, with little post editing.

6/11/2017 5:39:25 PM #5

I just watched the Hrothi one and I think you did it like once or twice but it didn't bother me at all in that one. I think you did it to more "clear up" some confusion the bad grammar caused and that you should do.

It's so funny. I have read all the write ups and enjoyed them but there is just something about someone reading them to you and commenting on what he just read that I find captivating. Guess it goes back to my days as a child and having my much older brother read "Uncle Wiggly" novels to me.

"The dangers of doing it live, with little post editing."

Hey, you are doing a great job. Even if you couldn't remember Moria. LOL.

6/12/2017 6:02:04 AM #6

Bump, so I can find the links later