Tribes and families.

Can there be different tribes in one family?

7/12/2017 6:51:55 PM #1

Not sure if there can be at first but probably after a few generations of breeding with the other races.

7/12/2017 7:39:39 PM #2

I am sure there can be, I can imagine a Wife/Husband of a different race being part of the family as an example.

"Count Eldric Blackmoore of The Haven, offering direct support for the Hunters, Explorers and Gathers of Elyria" the

7/12/2017 11:21:18 PM #3

These are some of the things I want to try out in the game, see what different things can happen.

1/7/2018 5:29:27 PM #4

This is a question my spouse and I are also wondering. Since we both like different tribes but want to create a family and continue my bloodline, together

My Name Is Papa Rannúlfr. Protector and Leader of my pack. I will Do Anything to Protect my pack and my home. I am ShieldWall Strong.

1/7/2018 6:11:30 PM #5

Posted By Papa at 1/7/2018 5:29:27 PM

This is a question my spouse and I are also wondering. Since we both like different tribes but want to create a family and continue my bloodline, together

That should be fine. You can mix races, that has always been part of the game. One day mixed races will become a race of their own, I'm sure. Kypiq + Janoa = Kynoa :P Hope you both have fun with your chosen races!

~ Alyvs Trésdaum