The Elyrian Directory
The Elyrian Directory (from now on simply the directory or ED) is a CoE fansite ran by yours truly and in no way affiliated with Soulbound Studios.
You can find find it at
It looks like this:
Fancy, eh?
What's it all about?
The directory has two uses:
1) Advertise your community*.
2) Find a community* to join.
*Community is the word I use instead of always having to list all the types of counties, kingdoms, guilds, families, noble houses etcetera etcetera.
In case you forgot it, here's the link:
How do I advertise?
Click on the big fancy button in the top right corner labeled "Add Your Community" and fill out the form > Submit > Review > Publish > Voila!
Here's a direct link to add your community (but you need to be logged in):
How do I search?
Uhm.. Use the search form right in the middle of the screen when you open the website. You can also browse by regions and types of community by hitting the "Explore" button in the top menu.
Want to jump straight into browsing? Follow this link:
I got a question because I didn't really understand how to do _.
1) Check if your question is answered by clicking the "Help" button found here:,
2) or join our Discord server:
Can I help?
YES! Add your communities to the directory, ask others to add their communities to the directory. Nag them. Don't give up. YOU CAN DO IT! Also, if you'd like to help out paying for the server costs, send me a PM.
And lastly, here's the link again: