Heathcliiff's Kingdom Campaign - Kingdom of Sanctus

Kingdom of Sanctus

Kingdom Motto: Cuz why not?

Kingdom basis;

The Kingdom of Sanctus will be a jack of all trades, it will be a society for everyone, cuz why not?

Religion will play a role in the kingdom, only as much as you all wish it to be.

The community will be ran similarly to the US government, minus the slow decision making. The Senate will be the Dukes, the Congress will be 2 counts from each duchy, appointed by the dukes, and I of course will be president. Cuz why not?

Run your duchies however you want, as long as you don't screw over the kingdom. Because why call it a free kingdom if the inhabitants aren't free?

About me

I live my life by the slogan of "cuz why not?" I do things that i normally wouldnt do; either out of fear, embarassment, or it being too much work. Cuz why not? If i did not do it, i will never know what would have been the outcome and i would rather deal with defeat or embarrassment than deal with not knowing. As such I decided to throw my name into the ring of who might be the best King or Queen for this new free kingdom, cuz why not?

Loving Regards

Neran Extraordinaire Heathcliff Gray

P.S You are all beautiful, and i love you. Even you.

P.P.S I completely stole this layout from Maulvorn, cuz why not?

See you at floor 100...