King Yorick - Sword & Sickle

A Campaign for the Free Kingdom

So here we all are, in a veritable storm of candidates all clambering for a chance at the coveted Xeilian throne. Some will tell you they will use this throne to better the community, others see it as an instrument of chaos.

Two Faces of the same Coin

Pretending there will be peace is naive and deluded, as is the notion that you will immediately have an army at your disposal to throw around for the sake of pandemonium. Without order there cannot be sustained conflict, and without chaos weakness festers.

The Birth of Something Greater

A kingdom of pacifists is a ripe fruit for the taking; yet one dedicated to war will soon find itself falling from the inside. This was the problem of the Old Empire, and still lingers among it's broken children. There must be balance if this kingdom is ever to survive. Industrial revolution, commerce, and culture may be neglected by even the greatest of Generals - but they are the foundation of which their armies stand on, and what they fight for.

Might Through Labor

Born of labor, the mightiest of lands stand as a testament to the productivity of their people. Nothing exists without the work put into making it. A land of hard workers is a prosperous land.

The Land is Ours, and We Will Keep It.

A land ravaged by generations of war, and further impoverished by the Deranged King. This is no paradise, but through our efforts combined, we can ultimately make it our own. Every man or woman who lives in our realm is another cog in our machinations. The farmer, a humble man tending to the earth who can feed a legion. The blacksmith, a father to the blades that defend his home. And the soldier; one of many, but each a hero and stalwart protector of our lands. Everyone has a role to play, each as invaluable as the last.

The Iron King

For those who have been around the community for a while, chances are you have heard of me. Admittedly, I am a man of many titles. I'm not afraid to speak my mind; I am no porcelain doll of a ruler. Iron is strong, versatile, and will not bend to the weak. A home is made of wood and stone, but a Kingdom is built on iron. I take this name on as a conduit of that sentiment, as an oath to lead with unwavering strength.

What of the Dukes?

As you all know, the runner-ups to the throne will be awarded with Duchies, and the corresponding titles. As the race is so far, there seems to be a healthy split of warmongers and pacifists. They need not be enemies; a symbiotic relationship must be formed. Time is on our side, all the time needed to gather cooperation from them. Without cohesiveness, we have nothing. Defiance will not be tolerated, for independence chips away at the integrity of the Kingdom as a whole.

Support the Cause

Without you, this is all a mere dream of a lone madman. If I am to work towards rebuilding this land, I cannot go it alone. For those who wish to join me on this arduous journey, I await you on Discord.

11/3/2017 7:03:06 AM #1

Reserved for eventual Q&A spot

11/4/2017 12:21:34 AM #2

We have memes

I dislike melons reasonably

11/8/2017 10:00:32 AM #3

Now with 100% more propoganda posters!

11/18/2017 9:31:41 PM #4

1000% more, even.