Post your Characters!

So, since we're all waiting for glorious CoE to come out, I thought "Why not think up how my character's backstory and looks may potentially be?" So as a first time RPer and... since I'm bored I did it. Hopefully others will join in and tell a little about a character (or ancestor) they have thought up so far. Would love to read up on some!

(I know there's no land selection yet, etc. But I have decided to make my first character a To'resk no matter where my Kingdom chooses. I will travel there from their lands).

So allow me to get started and introduce Azima

Alt text - can be left blank Art work by Madboy-Art

Full Name: Azima Vish'al

Tribe/Race: To'resk

Age: 24

Title(s)/Job: Grand Marshal, Commander of the Myrkir Knights, Royal Guard to the King.

Kingdom Affiliation: Riftwood

Bio: Born to a Merchant family who struggled under the well established trade guilds, Azima's father, Kutzhe, wrestled to make ends meet for his family. Finally deciding to head North towards Neran lands for "each rising tide is an opportunity for success", Kutzhe and his pregnant wife, Amani, gathered what little belongings they had and left.

Born during the voyage North, Azima was born small, smaller than most other To'resk children and it wasn't known if she was going to make it. To make matters worse, Amani was struggling all throughout the birthing process. Not knowing what to do and alone in the dead of night in the back of a small wagon, Kutzhe held Azima in his arms as he watched his wife die from childbirth.

Years later, Azima's father's choice to move to Neran lands paid off. His natural proficiency in being diplomatic and multilingual, traits usually taught at a young age to To'Resk, Kutzhe's new trade business flourished. Able to provide the best schooling and upbringing he could for his daughter, Azima grew up with an open mind, absorbing everything she could, but only enjoying some of it.

When left alone to her own devices, Azima loved to read, often going to the various guilds within the city to study history. Religion, wars, treaties, past trade agreements, different cultures, and more. It wasn't long until she noticed she had a liking to reading up on strategy. Especially during times of past wars.

Though raised as a proper To'resk, taught that the pen was mightier than the sword, as Azima grew in age, she learned that that wasn't always the case. Speak softly but carry a big stick was a motto she would soon adopt...

Still a WIP

12/5/2017 7:21:54 PM #1

always nice to see more interest in to'resk

12/5/2017 7:45:03 PM #2

Love the format and style to this post, I'd love to make a character post to match how you presented everything, it really worked well.


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12/5/2017 8:20:07 PM #3

Would be fun, but I don't have any sort of picture for such a post. :/ Sadness.

12/5/2017 8:21:33 PM #4

Posted By MusaKn at 12:21 PM - Tue Dec 05 2017

always nice to see more interest in to'resk

Always nice to meet a fellow To'resk fan!

Posted By StrawHat at 12:45 PM - Tue Dec 05 2017

Love the format and style to this post, I'd love to make a character post to match how you presented everything, it really worked well.


Thank you for the kind words. Can't wait to see yours!

Posted By MaverickMissy at 1:20 PM - Tue Dec 05 2017

Would be fun, but I don't have any sort of picture for such a post. :/ Sadness.

You don't need a pic! Just be descriptive :P

12/5/2017 9:30:59 PM #5

Awesome post! The pic is beautifully done. Looking forward to seeing more of this.

12/6/2017 6:35:13 PM #6

What a great idea! I've done some thinking on who my character is going to be, but I haven't dared to come up with a full backstory yet, since I'm not sure what features are going to be in the game with 100% certainty. But I've got the basics figured out, so I'll add them here :)

Yes, that's a Sims screenshot, my artistic skills are sadly quite limited.

Name: Dione

Appearance: A tall woman in her 20s, with light blue eyes and long dark hair.

Tribe: Neran or Brudvir

Occupation: Mayor of a small settlement (if possible then something like Riverwood in Skyrim) and barmaid/cook at the local inn.

She's based on the main character of a book I'm writing. In the book she's born into a noble family, but leaves her home to become a nomadic adventurer in order to avoid an arranged marriage. In CoE I've decided to explore what her life would've been like if she'd stayed.

"A soft-spoken woman with a gentle heart, Lady Dione is well known among the villagers as someone they can turn to in their times of need. As someone who likes to enjoy the simple things in life, she knows to value relationships over material possessions, and has never been one to place herself above her fellow man. Indeed, all the lands that once belonged to her family have been turned into fields for the farmers to work, and instead of a sprawling estate, the Lady now resides in a modest manor near the tavern. Spending her days tending to her little garden or coming up with new culinary concoctions, she often takes the time to walk through the village and survery the grounds, making sure nothing's amiss. And should she come across troublemakers, her demeanor doesn't change; instead of the pointy end of a sword, the criminals find themselves greeted by a helping hand & a sympathetic ear.

Determined to lead by example and inspire people to work together, Lady Dione has a warm smile and a cup of tea waiting for everyone. But beneath the calm exterior lies more than meets the eye. While she makes sure to be kind and gracious to all she comes across, the Lady is well aware of all the atrocities in the world, and the people who commit them. Having first-hand experience of men's greed and cruelty, she works that much harder to spread love and joy. But those experiences have left her heart closed off to the world, with her loyal companions Lord Barkley and Lady Purrington the only friends she truly trusts. Nevertheless, she hasn't lost faith in the goodness of men and secretly keeps waiting for a charming wanderer to whisk her away on the adventure of a lifetime..."

My Discord tag is DiCe#0396.

12/6/2017 10:18:04 PM #7

Oh, I like both choices of your character. The noble lady who refuses her already laid out life to forge her own path as an adventurer or the always smiling yet more than meets the eye mayoress.

Somehow I see your character in the story being a master of beasts. Lord Barkley and Lady Purrington though. Took me a moment but I got it XD

Guessing those are them in your picture? :)

12/7/2017 12:11:53 AM #8

Name: Mavis

Appearance: Either dark brown or Auburn hair. Fierce pale green eyes, and somewhat short in stature compared to others of her tribe.

Tribe: Brudvir most likely, but may go Neran.

Title/Job: First Ranger, leader of the Fangs of Fenris

Kingdom Affiliation: Vornair

Bio: Mavis loved her father more than anyone. But her father was often thought crazy. In his youth, a hunting accident in the middle of a storm had given her father a vision of Fenris, the god of hunters and guardian of souls. He had spent much of his life after telling people of his experience and how important it was to include Fenris in the belief systems of the Stormlands. Few believed his story, but no one believed his story more than Mavis.

In her youth, Mavis had become a prodigy huntress and marksman. Many in her village respected her skills with the bow, despite her father being nothing short of a laughing stock of the village despite his own great skills as a Hunter.

The few who did believe her father's story she recruited into a group, and they travelled to another town where word of her father and his beliefs had not yet reached. They set up their station there and Mavis founded the guild The Fangs of Fenris, where a major requirement upon joining was the willingness to believe in Fenris's existence.

In time, The Fangs of Fenris grew. And despite their alternate beliefs whom a number deemed ridiculous, they were well respected for their contribution to society. And eventually, the stories her father had been ridiculed for were no longer ridiculed.

1/25/2018 10:55:54 PM #9

Oh, let me share mine. Here's my working sheet for the Barnebas Bombastus character (you can see where I made my avatars, heh):

Name: Barnebas Thalonicus Aeterion Bombastus

Age: 28

Tribe: Neran (subject to change)

Titles: Most Excellent Duke of The Freehold Duchy of Zylphania, Most Magnificent Marquis of the Duskmarch, Most Illustrious Count of Virtuous Castillion, Most Honorable Lord of Aeterion, Duke of Justice of the Kingdom of Vornair

Bio: Barnebas Thalonicus was born on the run. For nearly two generations House Bombastus stayed under constant motion, evading the knives of assassins. Their lands in the Duchy of Dusk had been taken by traitorous usurpers, their names had been stricken from history, their lives lay under constant threat. Gravian Trenbull and (in time) his son Thaddicus, spared no expense in seeking the lives of the last remaining Bombasti.

At the age of 12, Barnebas was orphaned by agents of the Trenbull usurper. He fled into the wilds, his family's caravan left smoldering behind him, the last of his House. With difficulty, he made his way to the allies his family knew on the Dawnish coast: the reclusive ducal house of Dawn, House Morningray.

At 15, Barnebas and Aerus, the Morningray heir, led a series of guerrilla raids on Trenbull tax collectors. This action earned Barnebas an infamous reputation and a nickname. As the "Bandit Baron," Barnebas and his Morningray allies brought the most corrupt lords loyal to the Usurper to their knees, relieving the leverage that held rebellious nobility from turning on their tyrant.

But it was still not enough. Barnebas needed a legal claim to seize the title. With the help of his cousin, Leopold Erravar Bombastus Tartanius Rex, Barnebas was able to locate the tomb of the founder of House Bombastus, Zylpha Tymorica Alaretticia Leighigh Bombastus. By obtaining the relics of his house and the scrolls of their history, he was able to convince the King of Vornair to support his bid for war.

In 4A748, Barnebas Thalonicus Bombastus won a decisive battle in the city of Aeterion. Thaddicus Trenbull abandoned his seat and fled the land. He was later found dead, the victim of the freely roaming bandits his administration had been funding under the table for years. Barnebas assumed the title of Duke and renamed the unified lands of Dusk and Dawn to "Zylphania" in honor of the ancestor who helped him gain his seat.

1/26/2018 11:18:09 AM #10

Posted By Azima at

Alt text - can be left blank Art work by Madboy-Art

I'm sorry, I know I'm being petty but... there is no way that person's scrawny little noodle arms could hold that war-hammer. It's just... it's just not possible.

1/26/2018 11:57:05 AM #11

Posted By Barleyman at 12:18 AM - Sat Jan 27 2018

Posted By Azima at

Alt text - can be left blank Art work by Madboy-Art

I'm sorry, I know I'm being petty but... there is no way that person's scrawny little noodle arms could hold that war-hammer. It's just... it's just not possible.

Yeah but maybe the war hammer is made of light weight metal... you leave Azima and her beautiful little noodle arms alone.

1/26/2018 3:54:28 PM #12

Posted By Farrow at 04:57 AM - Fri Jan 26 2018

Posted By Barleyman at 12:18 AM - Sat Jan 27 2018

Posted By Azima at

Alt text - can be left blank Art work by Madboy-Art

I'm sorry, I know I'm being petty but... there is no way that person's scrawny little noodle arms could hold that war-hammer. It's just... it's just not possible.

Yeah but maybe the war hammer is made of light weight metal... you leave Azima and her beautiful little noodle arms alone.

LOL Farrow <3

And Barleyman, shhh, that's why she's just hefting it over her shoulder and not swinging it! Don't give away her secret.

Jk, she's toned, don't worry. Just hard to show while wearing full armor. :P

1/26/2018 4:14:35 PM #13

The paparazzi caught wind of the controversy here and snapped this photo of Azima with her armor off. Beauty and brawn. Wonder what's on the end of that chain ...

1/26/2018 4:20:44 PM #14

You if you're lucky ;)

1/26/2018 5:58:13 PM #15


I'm ded.