[NA-W] A Glorious Death

Do you refuse to simply grow old and die? Do you seek a glorious death?

Do you want to delve through ancient ruins? Discover lost artifacts? Battle against demons? Discover the four lost tribes? Uncover the secrets to becoming a Lich? Stumble into the first Vampire nest? Make the greatest new discovery of your age?

Then have I got the thing for you.

Once ships have been constructed that can sail across the ocrean, once you have established your heir and made your preparations, before your character grows old and frail... Those brave enough should go seek out and find your glorious deaths.

Real talk: Once my character gets to around the age of ~45-50 I plan on having it suicide in the most glorious way possible. I'll have all of my affairs in order and then brave the oceans, explore the unknown continents, take big risks, and have a blast. Unless I die crossing the ocrean, then woe is me. But I'm gonna try and go out with a bang rather than just grow old and die a feeble death!

So if anyone else is mad enough to do the same... feel free to sign right up and join me. It doesn't matter if you're a lowly peasant, gentry, nobility, or even a King. We're all equals over in the unknown.

4/2/2018 6:47:26 AM #1

I've considered this.

There are some potential issues that I can see, but that's just how I am.

(1) By the time a character secures an heir and enough story points to ensure a boosted respark (i.e., keeping all their stuff, etc.), the character may be too old to be of optimal benefit to a voyage of exploration.

(2) Related to (1), will an ocean permadeath experienced while on such a glory-seeking mission result in at least no net loss of story points, or will it on the contrary result in a loss of story points befitting the ignominious failure that resulted.

4/3/2018 9:53:10 PM #2

The goal is to go at around the age 45-50. Seeing as to how we're going to have 6-14 months worth of life I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it would probably be at around a 6 month marker assuming someone is going to live to around 90-100 with a healthy lifestyle and few risks.

At 45-50 you should have at least a good few "years" worth of fight left in you.

An Elyrian year takes 7 real life days. If we say you have a good 5 years left in you that's 35 real days, over a month. You can get a lot done in a month on a video game. A lot.

Realistically, you may not be at your most optimal after a certain age but that doesn't mean you're relegated to a boring death of old age. Live a little. Take risks. Have fun.

Ocean permadeath is always a risk, but that's why you set your affairs in order first.

10/3/2019 12:16:27 AM #3

I refuse to die. I'll try my best to become a lich. I would want to become an undead king like the anime overlord. I would murder anyone in the game that stood in my path for that to happen.