Tribe Exploration: To'resk Male

Greetings friends,

Though we showed off the character creator a bit ago, we mentioned that something called "normal maps" hadn't been applied to all the tribes yet. So, even though you've seen all the tribes, you haven't really seen all of them in all their glory! When making these quintessential 3D targets, we also create the necessary normal maps, textures, and hair features that they will need to have in-game. For tribes whose features are...more intense, these can add a lot of the character to the face.

Hopefully you enjoyed the To'resk female I shared last week. Here is her male counterpart for your viewing pleasure.

This is an average To'resk. If you choose to be incarnated as a To'resk, the character creation system will allow for a range of customization to tweak their appearance to your liking - within reason. This is merely a starting point so you all can get a feel for the tribe in 3D.



4/7/2018 1:15:49 AM #1

Looks great guys! Love the teeth! Although the bowl cut does not do the To'resk justice

4/7/2018 1:16:09 AM #2

So hot.

4/7/2018 1:16:11 AM #3

Looks like an angry little brother lol.

4/7/2018 1:16:15 AM #4

Cute ! I really like their noses and teeth ! (i mean i liked them on the lady already but still ! :D they look nice i'm happy)

[SE] Mayor of Silverbow Ridge

Friend code : 27BCA4

Warning : Ranty, Shy, Nervous.

4/7/2018 1:16:48 AM #5

Looking good, but maybe he should step away from the bowl cut look. :P

KelvinRiley a.k.a. Xander Renécius

Citizen of Firaminé, Para Bellum, Ksana, and Riftwood.

4/7/2018 1:17:07 AM #6

That bowl hairstyle makes him look like Moe Howard

4/7/2018 1:17:10 AM #7

Mom says it's my turn on the Xbox.

The one and only Capital K. Looking to have tons of fun and build communities with lots of fun people!

4/7/2018 1:17:24 AM #8

Wow thanks for the update! This is great to see!

4/7/2018 1:17:28 AM #9

Oh, bless his little soul, he looks like such a nerd.

4/7/2018 1:17:32 AM #10

I think I had that haircut in the 70s! Wow. :P Nice Job guys, Thank you!

4/7/2018 1:18:00 AM #11


4/7/2018 1:18:47 AM #12

They say the sharpest thing in a To'Resk's arsenal is their teeth, though a wise man once told me their tongues cut deeper than any dagger.

4/7/2018 1:18:49 AM #13

Bowl cut, check. Overbite, check. Smoosh face, check. Dat ass, double check.

4/7/2018 1:21:21 AM #14

He looks...sickly lol

4/7/2018 1:21:59 AM #15

Also...sweet bowl cut...