Banking Guild of Angelica

The Banking Guild of Angelica is first and foremost a Guild at the Organization level. Primary membership will belong to Banking Organizations, rather than individuals. Secondary membership will belong to Banking Organization employees. There will likely be a small membership fee which goes towards fulfilling the Guild's mission.

Guild's Mission

The mission of the Banking Guild of Angelica is multifaceted, but can be broken down into the following:

Globalization of all Angelica Banking Institutions

The purpose of globalizing all Angelica Banking Institutions is to reduce risk. If a customer deposits gold in one Banking Guild member bank they should be able to withdraw from any Banking Guild member bank - with the appropriate paperwork, of course. This simple action reduces the risk of transporting gold for both banking organizations and for citizens. It will enable citizens to travel with small sums of gold while being able to access their savings at any Banking Guild member institution. For Banking Guild member institutions it reduces the risk of losing large sums of gold to highwaymen, bandits, or other criminal elements.

At the end of the day, the transportation of gold is the most dangerous aspect of banking. Banks are safe, secure. But transportation convoys, no matter how well guarded, are vulnerable - far more so than any bank.

Innovation & technology distribution

All research that advances banking, whether that be better safes, better traps, streamlined banking procedures, improved paperwork, and so on, will be shared across all Banking Guild members. In doing so no single bank will have the burden of researching and advancing everything just to remain competitive. Instead, banks can work together thereby distributing the workload across all guild banks and reaping the benefits from all advances.

By sharing technological advances guild members will be able to focus on banking rather than having to pioneer a dozen other related industries.

Unionization of Banking Guild member institutions

To prevent unfair practices among Banking Guild organizations, all Banking Guild employees will be unionized. While a unionized workforce may not be desirable to organizations they are nevertheless necessary for the protection of bank workers and as a Banking Guild it is our responsibility to protect bank workers as well as banking organizations.


To join the Banking Guild of Angelica visit my Discord and let me know if you're joining as a Banking Organization or a Bank Employee.